Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Read A Book

I don't know about you, but in my life there are just people I trust. People that I know I can go to for anything at anytime and they will have my back. I know that what they say to me is truth and is genuine. I know that they wouldn't lead me astray. Even if I haven't spoken to them in a while, I know that they got my back fo lyfe. One of these people moved in behind me when I was 8, and is one of the people I respect most in my life. So, when she told me I needed to read this book, I freaking downloaded as soon as the conversation was over. I knew she wouldn't lead me astray. 

To be honest, I'm not even done with the book. BUT I love it SOOOOOOOO much I feel like the world needs to know about it sooner rather than later. 

Here's a link for you to download it yourself, freaking right now. 

Sheryl Sandburg is my newest hero. She's incredible. 

It's no secret that I'm one of those evil liberals who believe in equality and helping the underdog and bullshit of that nature. It's also probably no secret that I am a damn feminist of sorts. Booooo... 

This book is slightly feminist... BUT DON'T RUN AWAY YET!!!

It's the good kind of feminist. She acknowledges that women have the right to choose how they live their lives. Stay at home mothers, career loving mothers, career loving women, etc. are equals; not one is better than the other.  Women have the option to do what they believe is best for them and their families, and that's beautiful. She also recognizes that women still aren't making as much as men and workplaces are not necessary woman friendly, AND if women want to change this then they have to do something about it. The best thing to do, become women in power. She then explains how to do this! WHAT!?!?!?!?! It's easy, it's simply, it's realistic, and you don't even have to act like a man. She also discusses specific family hurdles. It's incredible, and I love it. Any woman who is career minded, like myself, will likely be interested. She also suggests men read it too, as it might enlighten them on some dynamics. Then, after you start reading it... call me and nerd out to it with me! &&& If you hate it, well hate it in silence cuz I don't need that kind of negativity. 

I love there are so many women with different passions and goals in their lives. I love watching my friends raise their babies. I love watching some of the bad ass women in my hometown raise enough money to make over the parks in town. LIKE WHAT?!?!?!?! That is bad ass. &&& I love my career and everything that comes with being career minded. Some days I feel pretty lonely in my career minded world, but this book has inspired me to push for more and gave me faith and hope that I will achieve some awesome things some day. AND I'M NOT EVEN DONE WITH IT YET!!! 

So go read that. Also, here is a very inappropriate song that I listened too in college and felt was fitting. Don't listen with children around. 

Now I have to go read my school book so I have time to read Sheryl's masterpiece.