Friday, May 23, 2014

Team Work Makes the Dream Work

Whoa, it has been a wild month or so. I've kept you all in the dark, but now I'm bringing you into the light! &&& I kinda need your help. 


- A few weeks ago I started hearing rumors that a position in Boise might be opening that would allow me transfer. I was super stoked, because I really miss Boise AND because it would give me an opportunity to work on my MSW (Yes, I'm currently working on my MPA. I'll explain more later.) You see, my MSW wi require a 500 hour internship over the course of 2 semesters. This is about 20 hours a week, and I still gotta work. I have an advantage in Boise because I can do my internship at the facility and it would be more flexible.

- That didn't pan out. The position didn't open up. I was pretty bummed. 

- (The Silver Lining) In the process of me planning my move to Boise I discovered that NNU has a super awesome MSW program that schedules their classes in a way that allows you to work. ALSO, they have a satellite classroom in Twin Falls. 

- After much internal battle, because the internship will be more difficult here, I decided to pursue this. I found out that there are still Advanced Standing Openings in Twin for fall 2014. 


-I've decided to go for it. I out application together yesterday, and have met all my requirements for application as of today. (I get shit done.) I do have to take a biology class this summer, but it shouldn't be terrible. 

- Why the change of degree? Those of you who know me best, know I like to change my mind. An MSW has always been on the table, but that damn internship and class schedule (through BSU) would have required me to quit my job. Now, that I know that the NNU program exists all the stars have aligned! I also am fortunate to have a very supportive supervisor who will work with me during my internship. She's encouraged me to get my MSW. I will likely complete my MPA after my MSW. 

- (This is where you help.) I need prayers and happy thoughts that they actually accept be this late in the game. I've talked with admissions, and it's looking good BUT I'll take any help I can get. 


- (More Helping) This will be the most stressful 13 months of my life. I'll need some understanding, some encouraging, and someone to do my grocery shopping. (Too much?) I'll be grumpy, stressed, and will probably cry way too much. It will be my priority to get into the box, but I don't promise that I'm always happy or motivated to be there. Boise would have been easier logistically BUT Twin provides me with the support if my family and some amazing friends. 

I believe everything happens for a reason, and I think the possibility if moving to Boise reminded me that I am brave and shouldn't avoid things because they are scary. 


Here's to next adventure (hopefully). 

PS: I have some internship leads, but if anyone knows awesome MSWs or LCSWs should let me know! 

Sunday, May 18, 2014

Goals 'n' Stuff

Hi, my name is Stefani. I use to write this blog called Sassy N Stuff. Then grad school consumed my life.

Now, that I am done for the semester and it's summer break I have more time to write things I want to write. You should all be very, very excited!

I'm excited to have some more time for some new goals! Life is all about finding balance, but sometimes balance means that everything has to compromise a little to make room for everything else. This was my life during the last semester. I tried to balance school, work, and Crossfit... Most of the time I did well at giving them all an equal amount of my time. Over the course of the last month, however, I have definitely lost that balance (out of necessity) to focus on school. Now that school is done, I'm ready turn my focus back to other areas... ie: Crossfit!

I've worked hard, and I've come a long way... BUT I still have a long way to go. Here are my summer goals. I'm hopin' you all have my back in the process! Hold me accountable, yell at me for not following through, like my Facebook posts... That kinda thing. :)

Stefani's Super Awesome Summer Goals!
1. Run 4 Days a Week. (I'm going to develop a program of sort for this). 


2. I HAVE to keep working on box jumps and doubleunders. I know that I can do them both, but I can't seem to do them when I need to. Consistent practicing should help that. 3 Days a week I will spend 10 minutes (each) working on them.

3. Food... Food... Food... I've recently gone down the vortex of shit food... It's time to come back out. That means, I will plan out my food for each day, and all cheats have to be planned in advance. That means, I can't just run to the store and buy crap on a whim. Or I can't just go out to eat and order crap on a whim. I have to decide 48 hours in advance that I am going to cheat. (PS: this is a good trick. If I give myself time to plan out my cheat, I typically have a not-so-cheat-like cheat!)

There we go... My goals starting tomorrow through the end of August! I'm stoked to see my progress. I know that as long as I am serious about this I will make crazy progress! I'm probably going to even re-run my 5K and see how much I've improved!