Monday, November 2, 2015


Whoa, it's been a while! 

I've been busy schooling, graduating, hanging out with my booooooooyfriend, you know. 

All three of the following have really made me start thinking about feminism. 

Here I am an independent woman, with an MSW, and I can support myself. I am independent to the core. Then this fella comes a long and all of a sudden I'm telling someone else my plans, making plans with him, going a long with his plans, and by golly I want to cook for him. Seriously, there's just something about cooking for your maaaaaaaaan.

One day I texted Chris, after telling him I was making BLTs (aka a sandwhich), "I think my inner feminist just died."

It got me thinking, did it really??? 

I don't think so. I'm just as feminist now as ever. Feminism is about women having the same options as men. It is about choice and equality. 

If I want to cook for my man, I will. No shame. If I just don't want to cook, I won't. No shame. It is never expected that I'll cook. I cook often and Chris thanks me every time. I'm sure he appreciates it, but he has never told me I had to cook. 

Conclusion: Though I'm filling some traditional gender roles at the moment, I'm confident my inner feminist is still alive and well. 

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