Sunday, September 23, 2012

Dollar Store Wreath...

So, on Pinterest I've noticed that making wreaths for different holidays seems like the big thing. Yesterday when I was procrastinating packing up my life, and decided to go look around the dollar store. I heard that there's tons of stuff for crafts, so I figured I'd check it out! Turns out they were right. There were even wreath bases!!! (Well, that's what I'm calling them. Little round foam things.) Granted it was smaller than a normal size wreath, but I was feeling cheap and didn't feel like driving to a craft store so I went for it. They also had a bunch of fake flowers for fall... and I knew exactly what to do next...

... yup! I made a wreath! I made this beauty for $13! it could easily be made for less than $10 though. I bought 3 strands of leaves which could be eliminated because they add no coverage, just accents. Also, I bought ribbon because I didn't have a matching color BUT if you have ribbon it'll save you another dollar!!!

Putting it together was easy too! I simply popped the flowers off the stems and put a little hot glue on them before I shoved them into the foam. It was harder to get the leaves to stay and I'd glue them on and then stick a flower over them to push them into the foam.

For some added flair, I used some glitter spray paint and made it sparkle!!!!!!!!

I'm going to say that this was a success. &&& It delayed my packing about an hour. :)

Decision, Change, Decision, Change...

NOTE: This was actually written a week ago. I just forgot to post it. Not very good at blogging apparently.

I feel like the story of my life in the past year has been DECISION making and CHANGES! It went a little like this...

Get a Rockin' Internship.

Decide to Quit my Job to Dedicate Time to My Internship

Decide Not to go to Grad School.

Job Hunt.

Job Found.

Job Gone.

Decide to Eliminate Negativity.


Decide to Get a Dog.

Get a Dog.


Work as a Temp.

More Job Hunting.

Job Found.

Job Awful.

Decide I need to quit, for myself.

Get offered an Awesome Job that includes A LOT of driving.

Take Awesome Job and Drive A LOT.

Realize Driving Sucks.

Decide To Move.

Decide to Buy a House.

Start House Hunting.

Lose a House Bid War.

AND now we are HERE...

Currently I'm packing up my apartment, and getting ready to move on Saturday. I have never felt so conflicted in my life. I know that moving is what I need to do in my life, and I know that it's the right decision. But I don't want to move. I don't want to leave the city I love for a city I've always despised. I don't want to leave the life I've built here. Plus, now I have to create a whole new life. How stressful is that??? AND not to mention that this is only a temporary move. I'm going to move in with my parents for a while and hopefully find a house to purchase.

YEA that's right, Imma Buy A House!!! I know it's very exciting but HOLY STRESSFUL! Finding a house in the right location, for the right price, with the right qualities is virtually impossible.

So, there's all this and then there's that lonely feeling... Seriously the things I'm doing right now people don't usually do when they're 23 and single. My friends and family who are my age and have bought houses have all done it with husbands and such. My friends who who aren't married, are much smarter than me and haven't jumped into the "grown up" life as quickly as I have. And, while I have nothing against either group and I think they all bring their own assistance and guidance in my life, I really feel like no one really gets it.

This has all kinda caused me to have a bit of a mid life crisis. I don't really know where I fit in anymore. Or who I fit in with.

I just hope that I find a home soon. Maybe if I get my life settled in one place, and I can really make Twin my home I'll be able to meet people and really settle in. I'm really sick of being in transit and I want to be in one place for longer than a year. I don't want to worry about where I'm going to go next.

I'm told how lucky I am to have the job I have and have the opportunities I have, and I know that I am. But it's kind of a double edged sword don't you think?

I guess I just have to buckle down and push through the this season of transition. It has to slow down some day right?

So, I guess I'm done with the pitty party. I'll keep y'all updated. BUT if you could send some positive thoughts and prayers my way I'd really appreciate it.

<3 nbsp="nbsp">

Mixed Emotions is an Understatement

Seriously, I have so many emotions that go along with this move...


I'm sad to leave the city of my heart because it is the place where I found myself. Where I learned who I am and who I want to be. I made amazing friends here and had so many good times. I learned what it means to be independent and an adult. I put my heart into everything I did and sometimes it hurt, but I have no regrets. This is the place I feel comfortable. More comfortable than even in the town I grew up in. Here I get to be me, and not what everyone thinks I should be. I'm sad to leave my home behind. I feel comfortable here.

Moving back "home" makes me feel self conscious. I know I will run into people I haven't seen in a very long time. People who think they know who I am, but have no idea who I am. People who make me feel judged just by looking at me. People who probably judge me just by looking at me. Not to mention the fact that I will be living in a town where people my age are married with kids or just want to party 24/7. And I don't feel like I'm part of either group. I'm planning on buying my own house, and I think people will look down on me for doing so. Because that's something you're supposed to do with a husband. Certainly not when your single.

I'm scared to move back because I don't know what my life will be like. Will I make friends? With who? Will I be all alone in this town? Who will I call for random ice cream trips? What kind of church will I go to? Will they be loving or judgmental? What will I do if all the churches turn out to be more judgmental than I imagined? Will I feel a sense of community or alone? How out of place will I feel? Will work consume me? Will I become a crazy dog lady? What if people don't get me? Don't understand who I am? What if I forget who I am?

I do feel some excitement. I feel excited for the next chapter of my life. I'm excited to buy a house and buy a car. I'm excited to not have to depend on my parents so much. I'm excited to see where my life goes. I'm excited about my job and how amazing it is! I'm excited to be closer to family, and able to hang out with them more! I am excited to see the good things that come out of this. I'm excited to stay in a home for longer than a year and not have to move.


... I guess that these mixed emotions are normal. And I hope that they'll go away. More than anything I'm just ready to get a move on and see what happens.

Cross your fingers it'll be good.