Wednesday, April 29, 2015


Listen. Ignorance is bliss. Screw anyone who tells you difference.

I NEVER really noticed that I have an insulin deficient before. Never. Now that I've started listening to my body, I totally notice.

Which means my splurges tonight we're not a good idea. Nope. Nope. 

I have been debating as to whether or not to try this new product. I have read a lot of positive responses from people who have PCOS. I'm going to give it a shot. The worse that happens is that it doesn't work and I'm right back here.

My doctor made this sound like such a minor thing. Though it's not a death sentence, it's also not minor. It kinda sucks. Mostly because while I can try to control it, I can never fix it. It will never go away with diet and exercise. That sucks. 

BUT this is my life. And fixable or not I will still make sure I make my life as kick ass as possible. 

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