Thursday, June 11, 2015

Dem Dreams

I have been thinking a lot about my career and my future lately. Where am I supposed to be? What am I supposed to do? 

I'm not sure if it's my age or that I surround myself with dreamers and doers, but I know a lot of my friends are in this stage of transition. We're all chasing dreams and making our lives happen. 

Tonight, it struck me how truly awesome that is. Do you know what it's like to be surrounded by people that inspire you to do better, be better, and never settle? To have people in your life that remind you that what you're doing is worth it? To remind your friends that it's worth it, and help them keep moving forward? 

If you don't know what that is like, find that. Find those people. Your life will change. And the truth is, that you never know who you'll inspire! My little cousin told me just a few weeks ago that I inspired her to go to college (the eye sweats waited for my car). DO YOU EVEN KNOW HOW AWESOME THAT IS! Just by chasing your own dreams, you can inspire others to do it themselves. 

I hope you find that inspiration. I hope you chase dreams, no matter what they look like. Well... Maybe not dreams of being a drug dealer. But, ya know, do your thing; job security. 😉 

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