Sunday, October 28, 2012

Color Run, Halloween, & Horses

So this weekend I had a fantastic get away to the city of my heart. Seriously it was amazing. And it went a little like this... 

First thing Saturday morning it was time for the color run! 

Hannah, Kelsey, Jessica, Katie, and I started off wearing all white and looking lovely in our crowns... 

And after walking a 5K (and a little color fighting among ourselves) we looked a little like this!

It was seriously one of the funnest tings I've ever done!!! Plus we looked beautiful!!! :) 

We did do a few errands looking this way, and people kept looking at as weird and asking questions. I still don't understand why.

Next we went back to Jessica's to finish up some costumes. Mine was mostly done, so I helped with other people's costumes. We were certainly Crafty Cathy's!!! Here's some pictures of my shirt though; I'm pretty proud of it. 

All I did to make it was print out everything I wanted on paper, and use fabric Modge Podge to stick it on! I don't think I'm going to be able to ever wash it, but for one night of Halloween celebration it was perfect! I also added some glitter, because the Modge Podge didn't dry completely clear in the black (see around the Monopoly man) I used glitter to cover up the smudges. The front simply said Monopoly. 

After our costumes were ready to go we got all dolled up and ready to hit the town!!! 

There was Spiderman, Hulk, a peacock, Monopoly, Candy Land, Twister and even a dart board! Clearly tutus are a common theme. We got really good at making them!!! Just FYI it takes about 3-4 rolls of tulle to make an adult size tutu. Which we had to figure out on our own, because it turns out there's not a lot of tutorials on how to make adult size tutus!!! 

And we had a little fun. :) 

Together we called ourselves "Game Night." 

Two of my favorite girls! 

Close up of me and the birthday girl! Also, my monocle. Seriously, arguably the best part of my costume... and I lost it at the FIRST BAR!!! So sad it didn't last longer. But I got some good pics! 

We had lots of fun dancing and drinking. But then again, we always do! 

Then we passed out and got some zzzzzzz's... 

Finally, this afternoon we rode some horses. Our time was a little short cuz I'm kind of a brat and wanted to get home at a decent hour to get some sleep tonight. I knew I'd need it after such a crazy weekend. But it was still fun! 

This is Bon Bon, the horse we rode. 

Her and I were a little rocky to begin with but I think that we were alright buds in the end. :) 

Anywho, it was a much needed getaway and such a fun weekend! Shout out to Jessica, Kelsey, and Hannah for letting me crash at their house!!! 

Now back to the real world... 

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Needing a Relationship...

So, this is a phenomenon that often puzzles me, though you think I'd understand it by now. I don't understand people who "need" a relationship. You know, those people that constantly have to have a boyfriend or girlfriend and who fall in love with any boy or girl they are with. It seems like there's no selection process. It's all or nothing for anyone who is willing to participate, and then their heart broken and do it again. In the mean time they drop their friends and expect their friends to be right where they left time while they were "busy" in their relationship.

I'll be honest I had a really good friendship end because of this and it still puzzles me.

I guess I always dream of finding the right guy. The one guy who is right for me. I don't waste my time with others, and will tell you that at any given time. I know what I want from a guy, and maybe my ideal guy seems a little unrealistic, but if he doesn't share similar values, get a long with my family, treat me well, treat those important to me well, and make sure he allows me to be me and not just an extension of him then I'm out. I don't think that's too much to ask. And I've met guys who could fit part of that mold, but definitely not all of the mold.

I guess that maybe it comes from the way we are raised. Growing up my parents never really "encouraged" any relationships I had. They didn't discourage them, but the recognized that I had things to do in my life before I decided to settle down. They never said things like, "Oh, when can I meet him!" or "You talk about so and so a lot, are you dating?" That has always been my part of life on my terms. My parents still don't ever say things like "when are we going to have grand-babies  and right now they could easily say "If you were married we wouldn't have to help paint your house." Instead my parents have always been content with my brother and my accomplishments. They never wanted to stunt that with relationship talk.

I imagine that if my parents had encouraged relationships or made a bigger deal of relationships I probably wouldn't have the same outlook I had. Maybe I would want or need relationships more, because of the positive reinforcement I got when I was in them. But instead I've simply been taught to live my life my way, and do what I have to do for me and the rest will fall in place.

PS: I really think I like blogging better than Facebooking, because I can write what I want and not worry about who's reading it because if they're reading it they're choosing to read it. It's not just popping up on their news feed.

Sunday, October 14, 2012

1.5 Hours Sans Facebook

So, I decided that I need to make a list of people that I'm going to make a real effort to keep in touch with...

Went to Facebook to go through friend's names.


Gotta figure out how I do old fashioned style...

Saturday, October 13, 2012

Are you sure you want to delete your Facebook?

So I've been thinking long and hard about deleting my Facebook. I know, I know... AM I NUTS? I'm totally a Facebook Whore, but I think I'm at the point in life that it's doing more harm than good. Here's a list of reasons I think it's time to move on in my life...

A. Honestly, sometimes when people do things I feel left out or like I'm missing out on some part of life. And I know that is ridiculous!!! But for real, don't you ever think "aw man I want to play." Without Facebook, I wouldn't have that problem. FOR REAL, I would never even know!!! Ignorance may indeed be bliss! 

B. I do need to be careful due to my job. I just really can't have some of the little darlings I work with stumbling upon my Facebook randomly and conveniently. 

C. People are so fake on there it should be called a Sci-Fi Network not a Social Network. I mean let's be honest even if it's unintentional people give crazy personas of themselves on Facebook. There's the happy person who cannot always be that happy, the sad person who cannot always be that sad, and the completely crazy person you know has to have a little normal in them somewhere!!!

D. Facebook brings out the the 12 year old in all of us. I mean most of us have had that moment when we think "OMG are they crazy. I cannot believe they actually said that." or "OMG she's so annoying I'm deleting her." or "OMG she deleted me that bitch!" Don't lie, you've done it... and how unbecoming, huh? 

E. People survived before Facebook... FOR REAL IT'S TRUE! And maybe it could be kind of neat to like talk to people face to face sometimes... or like go visit people... I know I'm CRAZY, but it just might be fun!?!?!?!

F. I could probably cut down on the amount of Data I use substantially on my phone if I am not on Facebook. Savin' money!!! And I don't think I am going to get internet in my new house anyway. 

G. Real life, there are some people I don't associate with in person for a reason and I don't really care that they know everything about me!!! And sure I could just delete them but please see item "D". And let's be honest, even if you delete someone they will find out what they need to know. That's when people say things like "uh log on I want to creep on her, can you believe she deleted me???" (Refer to "D" for more information.) And that seems even more annoying than everyone knowing everything. 


Now, I do recognize that Facebook has some pluses such as:

Z. Some people have cute kids and I like to look at their pictures. 

Y. It's easy to keep in touch with family and friends. 

But, that's A-H vs. Z-Y and Z-Y just isn't enough to justify it.

That being said, I'm deleting my Facebook here in the near future. I'm going to try using this phone I spend a billion dollars on for things like phone calls........ Weird huh???

&&& Don't you fret, I'll still be on Instagram and Pinterest.