Tuesday, July 9, 2013

I'm THAT Girl #sorryimnotsorry

I told myself I would never be THAT girl. You know, the girl who posts about her weight loss or gym time. I've seen all sorts of jokes about it and I didn't want to be THAT girl. Well I'm here to tell you... 

I don't give a flying... Uh, you know the rest. 

I feel better than I have EVER felt in my whole life ever, and I'm not afraid to tell you about it! Plus, I really hope that one person gets over their annoyance, and realizes that they can change their life too. That would be AWESOME! 

That being said I have 2 THAT girl things to discuss today. 

THAT Girl Thing #1: ADVOCARE!

I'm a distributor of this amazing stuff, but I swore I wouldn't push it on people. And I won't. BUT I really think that everyone should know how awesome it is. 

First, you should know that I am officially a believer that changing your diet and exercising is the only way to lose weight and keep it off long term. I don't know about you, but I'm sick of losing weight! Also, I'm not very good at it. I lose it and then it finds me and then I lose it and it finds me again... bastard. I have legitimately tried EVERYTHING to lose eight before. EVERYTHING. I'm not even exaggerating. I have lost more weight faster then what I'm doing right now using diet pills. I gained it back within a few months. I have lost weight with HCG drops. Gained it back and then some in a few months. I'M SO OVER IT! 

Well, for that reason I was skeptical of Advocare. I figured I'd do the challenge for 24 days, maybe lose some weight, and then fight to keep it off for 3 months until I could cleanse again. Well I'm here to say THAT IS NOT WHAT HAPPENED! Here's a few ways Advocare 24 Day Challenge is different. 

1. It's really a kick start. Let's be honest. If I am going to pay money for a system I want it to be successful; therefore, I am going to try really hard to stick to a strict diet so it can do it's job. In the process of your valiant effort to stick to a strict diet you learn how to eat. Seriously, one of the hardest things about eating healthy is learning out to do it AND training your mind to think "what is going to be best for me" rather than "well that fettuccine alfredo wrapped up in a tortilla with a hamburger on top looks yummy." You will be AMAZED by the self control you develop. 

2. It's clean. I know. I'm becoming such a hippy, BUT I'm convinced that eating clean at least 80% of the time is the way to go. I know that means something different to everyone, and some people consider some things clean and not other things BUT the idea is that you don't eat chemical garbage. SO, if you've decided to eat clean and not add chemical garbage to your body then WHY would you add chemical garbage through your supplements? Let me tell you, I have not seen any Advocare products with the warning "only use for 3 months" on it. Yea, go look at your fat burner. Tell me what it says. Does that really seem safe? Now, I'm not judging. I've taken them, but why not take something that works just as well if not better and that you don't have to stop taking in 3 months. You can take this shit for life. Also, if you don't believe it works I have some buff ass dudes and dudetts to introduce you to. I'll be one of them soon, but I know it's nice to see the finished product.

3. YOU CONTINUE TO LOSE BODY FAT! You should know that Advocare helps you lose body fat and gain muscle. That means that the number on the scale may not change right away, however the way you look will. That's really the important part. You can always lie to people about what the number on the scale says, but you can never lie about how you look. Unless you're online, then you can.  So, I finished the cleanse June 3rd. I had crazy results! Then my friend came to town, summer began, and my eating clean was kind of half assed. I mean at the end of the day we still have to live. I would bet that I was eating Paleo about 60% of the time, and I was on a 4 day junk and alcohol bender prior to weighing again yesterday. I continued to work out 4- 5 days a week. Yesterday, I stepped on the scale again. I had lost another 2-3% body fat, 2 more pounds, and but 5 more pounds of muscle on! Let me tell you... THAT DOES NOT HAPPEN ON DIET PILLS!!! If you find someone who can do that on diet pills I'll give you a dollar. 

Now, I know you're thinking... Stefani, these supplements seemed expensive. (Let me tell you I've thought that too) Here are some reasons it's worth it...

1. Advocare provides assistance to you, so that you change your life. That leads to greater self confidence, which leads to greater risks, which leads to greater reward... And can you really put a price on that? 

2. It's your health. By starting to live a healthy life now you will save thousands of dollars in medical bills down the road, or maybe even now. 

3. It's been said that your priorities are where you spend your money. What do you spend your money on? Is that coffee, candy bar, and pizza once a week where your priorities lie? How many weeks of that would you have to give up to change your life? 

4. It works. It really works. I have not heard one person who has tried regret it. 

5. There are people who know this product so well that are always there to help. Granted I'm still learning, BUT I know some pretty smart people who can give you way more information than I can at the moment. And it's real information about how the product is made and what makes it superior, not just "well I took this pill once and it made my heart beat fast." All though, there are a lot of testimonials too. :) 

So, here is the ending to my sales pitch... 

If you want to change your life, do it. Let Advocare help. If you're still not convinced and want some smarter people to talk to you about it... hit me up. 

THAT Girl Thing #2: 

I am really freaking proud of myself. I am going to go away for 2 days for work. I was trying to figure out some healthy eating out options, and couldn't think of any. Then Kristin suggested that I take food. At first I was like "bitch please, I ain't THAT girl." Then, I realized I am THAT girl. So, yes. I am about to pack up 2 days worth of healthy food, and be THAT girl. I'M SO PROUD OF MYSELF!!! 

There, ain't no shame in  being THAT girl... 
THIS girl is gonna be HOTTTTT(er)!!!!

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