Sunday, August 11, 2013

Twin Falls

It's been just over a year since I took my job in Twin Falls. About this time last year I was only working part time in Twin Falls and part time in Boise, and I was doing way to much mother effing driving!!!

Many of you know that I NEVER wanted to live here. EVER. Not even if I was dying. I pretty much hated my life for the next 6+ months. It wasn't good. I put on like 20ish pounds. That's my estimate at least. I avoided the scale like a plague. I cried. A lot. I did not want to be here. 

In March I decided I'd act like an effing adult and make the best out of this situation. I took a risk and joined CrossFit, and since then I've seen a light at the end of the tunnel. That's one of the reasons I love CrossFit so much. CrossFit combined with the amazing people at The Pack pulled me out of a dark place.

Since then I think that Twin Falls has tricked me into liking it here. When I think about moving I just can't seem to really want to do it. I think of all that I'd be leaving behind, and I realize that I've got a lot going for me here. Oddly enough.

Since moving here I have been asked "So, how's Twin Falls?" My answers usually rain from "Oh, it's Twin." to "It's getting better, but it's still Twin." 

I made a decision this weekend that I will not be negative about Twin Falls anymore! 

I have a good job here. I am close to my family. I have made some amazing friends. I have my own house. People move miles for living situations like this. Twin may not be fantastic. It's definitely not designed for us single folks. Sometimes I run into people from my past that bring back some crazy memories. BUT there are flaws with every city. 

So, from now on if you ask me how Twin Falls is I will eat crow and respond with, "I like it." or "I'm glad to be close to my family." or "Good! I really have met some great people." 

If I don't... Smack Me!

Fact of the matter is that I'll probably be here for at least a few more years, so I might as well settle in and get ready for the ride! :) 

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