Thursday, August 29, 2013


People who know me. Really know me. Know a few things to be true:

1. Am the least graceful person in the world.
2. I am an extremist.

I literally struggle to find balance in my life. I think that last week I realize that in my attempts to find balance, I actually found another extreme. When I first moved here I was so anti-social and all about work. Then I started Cross Fit and I was so excited to have new friends and something that I could do that made me happy. I mean, really, how awesome is that? Last week I realize that maybe I have now taken that too far. Don't get me wrong I love Cross Fit and I love my friends, BUT (apparently) there is a life outside of Cross Fit.

I've decided that I can do Cross Fit but not be so extreme about it. I mean, let's be honest, there were times that I would leave work early to Cross Fit. That is the behavior of an addict. Which, I definitely know that I am one. In fact I'm glad I've never tried meth or cocaine, because I'd probably spiral so far out of control it'd be terrible.

If I miss a day because something else is going on. Then I miss a day. If I miss a day because I'm tired. Then I miss a day. I love seeing results, but do I really need to see them right now? I have to enjoy life. I have to see what life has to offer outside the gym.

This applies to eating too. I either feel extremely guilty about what I eat or I say "fuck it!" and eat like a crazy person for days. There has to be some kind of balance in this too!

So, I'm attempting again. I'm going to find balance. Work 40 hours a week. Cross Fit 5. Relax a little. Go out a little. Laugh a lot. This is going to be good.

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