Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Demented Adrenaline Junky?

So, I haven't blogged in a while...

Between school and work and Crossfit and sleep, I have got very little time.

I feel like today is a blogging kinda day though.

&&& It's my 100th post!

Say What!?!?!?!?!

Let's throw a party!

Actually, someone throw me a part. With glitter and wine and hot men that know how to swing dance.

Not that I actually know how to swing dance, but sometimes I like pretending and I'm good at following.

Takers? Takers?



So, the mind of Stefani is full of thoughts and thoughts and thoughts and thinking and thoughts.

Sometimes when I say "Well, I thought..." My dad usually replies with..."Well, that's what you get for thinking." The fact is that thinking is overrated.

I'm decision making though, and I've decided that I have a terrible decision making process.

Well, maybe not terrible BECAUSE it works for me!

So... first I think about things for a while. It can be obscure, but I just consider things. Analyze them to death. Consider pros and cons. Look at every angle. Consider practicality. Decide where my priorities lie for this decision. Factor in the "YOLO!" and the "I am single with no kids, and I can do what I want!"

Then I close my eyes and JUUUUUUUUUUUUUUMP!

Now, here are a few major life decisions that I've made this way...

- Bible College. (that was a practice round, and not so successful)
- Buying a House.
- Starting Crossfit.
- Getting my Masters.

I'm going to say that 3/4 were successes means that I do pretty well. I also try to listen what some may call a gut feeling. I tend to believe it's more than that, but essentially the same thing. If I feel good about something I do it! If feel stressed out and torn up and think that it's a terrible idea... I don't.

Let's just say this newest decision isn't ready to go public yet because I'm anxiously waiting for a green light. But I'm feeling good about it and I'm uber ready for my next adventure!!! If this adventure isn't it... then I'll be keeping my eyes open! Because I can feel it coming!

(I'm also slightly concerned that I may me some demented kind of adrenaline junky. But that is a discussion for another day.)

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