Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Bye 2014

I'm certain tomorrow I won't have time to write, so tonight I'm reflecting on 2014.

I just can't even tell you the greatness this year has been.

As I get older I appreciate my family more. We get long better and have so much fun together. Living in Twin has allowed me to be a better daughter and sister. I love being so close. I also love that my family always has my back!

I'm not sure I could have chose better friends if I tried. They constantly inspire me to be better. To expect more of myself and others. They love without reservation, and they get me. I'm so fortunate to have them. Every year I seem to add more amazing people to my life.

Even though my life with school and work is crazy, I am so incredibly happy to have the opportunity to get my masters and pay mortgage at the same time. This time last year I never would have thought I'd switch back to social work, but here I am.

I think my passion and enjoyment for my job grows daily. As I am able to handle challenges better, I get to enjoy the successes more. My supervisor even pointed out that I can handle things better. No more crying or running to her for guidance every time someone is a jerk. I love social work. I think I was meant for this.

Oh, Crossfit. I know people don't understand and may never understand, but Crossfit changed my life. This year I've made progress I never dreamed. Crossfit has made me mentally and physically stronger. It also saves me from becoming crazy. I can't function without Crossfit or my Crossfit people.

It hasn't been all rainbows and butterflies. I lost my aunt this year, and there are always dark moments. I think that the dark moments help me to appreciate the good. I will miss my aunt but I'm so grateful that I got to check out the rodeo with her and spend time this summer.

I once heard that how you bring in the new year predicts the year to come. If this is true 2015 is going to be incredible! In the last week I've spent time with family, hung out with amazing friends, worked out with some favorites, AND tomorrow I get to watch one of my life long friends get married! Does it get better?

I'm hoping 2015 brings you love and peace!

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