Thursday, January 1, 2015

My Resolution

Well I did it. I came up with a resolution.

It's not measurable. It's not concrete. It's not a S.M.A.R.T. goal.

It is exactly what I need.

Last night one of my friends asked if I had a resolution, and I said I didn't but needed one. She kinda laughed at me and said I worked hard and don't need one.

In an unrelated event, it was pointed out to me that I'm super organized.

In another unrelated event I was reminded to just let life be and see where it takes me.

Then I got to thinking about what is truly important in my life.

All of these events and thoughts lead to the ultimate resolution.

In 2015 I'm going to make every moment count. I'm going to be in the moment. I'm going to be grateful for the moment. I'm going to enjoy the anticipation and surprises that life has in store. I'm going to do a little less organizing and a little less analyzing. I'm going to allow myself to feel every feeling in the moment. My happy moments will be happier. My sad moments will be sadder. I'm going to work harder in moments that require hard work and I'm going to relax more in moments that allow me to relax. I'm not going to do everything I "should" and will be ok with not being perfect as a result. I'm going to plan more time with family and friends. I'm going to make sure that I'm present for every moment of 2015, and it will be magical!

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