Saturday, March 7, 2015


I'm sitting in my house.

My freaking clean house.

Like for real!

I paid my friend to clean my house.

N' boy did she clean it!

She's actually is still working on it.

She's the bestest.

I should be doing homework.

BUT sometimes a girl just has to blog.

This week has be rough.

I don't think that this week was special for any reason. It's just that, every day of the week is filled with work, school, internship, or some kind of combination. This kind of schedule really wears on a person.

I also feel like I have a lot of negative people on the fringe of my life. Those I associate with regularly are super duper. It's just feels like there are just people so damn negative. I don't know if this is a new thing or if it's always been like that and my filter has just became broken. I'm certainly not innocent of the negativity. It's contagious after all. I'm trying really hard to do the following things:

1. Just be nice. If you have nothing nice to say, say nothing at all.
2. When people are being mean, gossipy, rude, or otherwise just dumb, don't laugh and find a way to change the subject or walk away.

Again, I'm working on it. It's hard to do.

The truth is, that I've let the negativity seep into my life slowly lately, and it has to stop. I've allowed my feelings to be hurt by mean people, I've allowed myself to say mean things about the same people. I've been negative about other people's happiness. I've made my own misery more miserable.

I'm sure you get the idea.

All of this negativity in combination with my current stress, has made for one freaking hot mess. I feel ugly and terrible on my insides.




I can't say I'll be perfect, because I'm human.

BUT here's to a more positive world starting with me.

AND if you insist on being negative, mean, or otherwise hurtful, please kindly exit my life now.

PS: All I can think about right now is a bubble bath in my nice clean bathtub with my new stress relief bubble bath.

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