Sunday, November 4, 2012

Identity Week 1: Contentment

So, if you asked my parents they would tell you...  Contentment is really not my thing. I mean, sometimes that can kind of be good right? I'm always pushing myself further or trying new things, BUT I'm so stinking unsettled. This week I'm going to work on being Content in my life. 

I know that's not very specific and if one of the kids I work with made a goal of "being content" I would say "how are you going to show me you're content." 

So, I'm going to save you the breath and I'll tell you how I'm going to show myself and you that I'm content. 

1. I'm going to focus on being content in what I have. I have a bad habit of always wanting to buy something new. Even if it's little. This week I'm not going to buy anything. That means I'm not going to buy myself lunch if I already have lunch at work. I'm not going to the store and buy something pointless just because I want something new. I'm simply going to keep that debit card stowed safely in my purse. 

2. I'm going to be content with my role in my job, and not try to push outside boundaries unnecessarily. I think that I need to really analyze my role and learn how to use it to accomplish goals and not push boundaries. 

3. I will refocus my negative thoughts about my move, and I will refocus my negative thoughts about living with my parents. I will be grateful for the opportunities I have, that my parents are willing to help, and trust that God has a purpose for me here. 


4. I will take my thoughts captive, and pray to God often to assist me in being content. I know that he will provide for me. I know that I will have what I need. I need to trust in him that he will take care of me in every realm of my life, and I need to stop trying to control things myself. I believe that only then will I be truly content. 

Now, I realize this is a lot to take on... And maybe I'll need more than 1 week to really feel content... So maybe I'll change it to a month... But I'll try this week out and see how it goes! :) 

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