Sunday, November 4, 2012

Women's Retreat

First and foremost... THIS WEEKEND BLESSED MY SOCKS OFF!!!

Fo real. 

I went up to "the cabin" with a group of ladies from North End Collective Church in Boise.

SIDE NOTE: It was not a cabin, it was more like a nice house on a beautiful mountain. And if you live in Boise try out North End Collective Church. The people who go there are so beautiful. 

It was serious one of the best experiences of my life, and exactly what I needed. As you all know I've been struggling a bit to really find myself in life and see where I fit... BUT this weekend I was able to refocus and remember the most important part of my identity is being a daughter of God!!! 

Seriously, we looked at where our identity should go and what we should focus on in life, and what is most important and I really feel like if I focus on my identity in God I will be like 50% less stressed! At least!

So why we were up there we focused on 5 different topics. Those topics were contentment, kindness, friendship, modesty, and relationships. We talked about one of those built on another and can build a cycle of goodness! So, I think I'm going to take a week to work on each one of these. I'm not sure how loyal of a blogger I'll be about it, but Imma try! I just tend to be a little hit and miss on the blog thing...

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