Saturday, March 15, 2014

Church Choice

Blogging when I've been partaking in adult beverages isn't always my thing... But it is tonight! 

I kind of had a... Duh! Moment... 

So I'm sure some know this about me, BUT church gives me intense anxiety. Especially new churches. I know, I know... Why so I torture myself? Because I know that a supportive and loving church family cannot be replaced. I believe that the fellowship is important. I don't always see eye to eye with the Church, but I still believe that church has it's place. 

I have decided to go to church every Sunday of Lent, so I thought I would try some out... Last week I went to a new church and had super high anxiety. I spent the entire time holding back tears. I was just so nervous, intimidated, etc. It stunk. I could have gone with people, but I didn't want to feel obligated to continue there if I didn't enjoy it. 

Tonight, I was thinking about church tomorrow and where to go. I thought... If I have to go to church then I'm just going to Light House. I've gone a few times there. Then I thought... Duh! Obviously on some level I enjoy that church and feel comfortable there or I wouldn't want to go there. I had some reservations (that aren't blog appropriate), but I decided that it's not about those. It's about me and God and where I fit. I think that's where I fit. SO... Tomorrow I will be at Light House! Next year, maybe I'll get involved or something! 

I'm kind of excited to choose a church... Hopefully tomorrow is full of excitement and not anxiety... 

PS: I have read my Bible everyday of Lent incase you were wondering! 

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