Tuesday, March 4, 2014


I've been thinking hard about Lent and what to give up. 

Also, I've been thinking about this blog and how I was going to defend my decision to participate in Lent, given that I'm not catholic and have got to church 3-ish times in the last year. I also felt like I needed to defend my Jesus loving to people who don't love him. I've decided that I am not judgmental of anyone else's choices to participate in religion however they choose, and I hope that people pay me the same respect. We each do things our own way, so I'm going to continue to do things my way. I don't have to defend my decisions, and won't. 

That being said... back to my point... 

I've been thinking hard about Lent and what to give up. I just really couldn't think of anything... Well maybe I could think of things, and the willingness factor wasn't there... Very possible... I did, however, decide that I would be a rebel (you know, cuz I do me) and add something for Lent. 

For the next 40 days I am going to read the Bible, and every Sunday I will be in church. That will be the hard part. I already want to give myself excuses... You know... I'll be in church... Unless I'm sick... I'll be in church... unless I'm in Gooding... 

A. We all know that I don't like to be sick, and probably do more than I should when I'm sick anyways so not going to church is not a good excuse. (Ok if I'm puking or highly contagious I won't go, but that is over with so I should be good! &&& if that happens I have a super cool church who does podcasts)

B. If I'm in Gooding on a Friday night, I still manage to make it to Crossfit by 9 AM on Saturday SO I can probably make it to church in that situation. I also here that there are churches in Gooding, you know if I'm desperate. 

Why??? Because I do love Jesus. Church and the Bible keep me grounded. I need to get back into the habit of both. I'll probably start being a nicer person, so that's a benefit for all. 

Anywho, Imma do this thing! Feel free to judge me if I fail. Feel free to remind me that I'm doing this thing... 21 days to build a habit so the last 19 days should be smooth sailin'! 

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