Friday, December 27, 2013

Resolution Complete! + Some favy foods!

So, for the first time in my life I have successfully completed a New Years Resolution! Whoa!

WELL, actually it was a Birthday Resolution. For those of you who have never experienced a birthday with me, you should know I LOVE my birthday! I feel like this is OK, because I also LOVE other people's birthdays. Who doesn't love a good birthday? For those of you who haven't experienced a birthday with me, but know me even semi-well this will be no shock to you. :) 

Anywho, I decided last year that when I turned 25 I would have a better body then I did when I turned 24. 


Just in case you didn't see this... 
The first two were taken in 2012, the last one was December 10, 2013. 

Whoop Whoop! 

So I'm working on my game plan for 2014... BUT I thought I'd share my excitement with you. . 

I also thought I'd share some of my favorite things to eat in case you have resolutions of your own! (And because a friend asked for some ideas, so I decided to share it with the world. You can thank her later!)

These are in no particular order, but I like numbers SO they're numbered. I like numbers not math. If you want to hear about my math you can feel free to talk to Kristin and Becky about the time I decided that 70% of Becky's 1 Rep Max was about 2#. :) I really am smart. 

The Things I Like to Eat: 

1. These Cookies. Seriously, they are like God's gift to earth. If you don't follow PaleOMG on Pinterest, Blogger, Facebook, etc... You should! She makes tons of yummy things AND she's pretty funny. PLUS she CrossFits! You know that's a win in my book! 

2. Roasted veggies. Seriously, anything roasted. Lately I've been roasting cauliflower, broccoli, onions, sweet potatoes,  brussel sprouts, and carrots. They can be found individually or in any combination. I also chop up some bacon and roast it with them, if I'm feeling CRAZY!!! All you gotta do is chop your veggies into bite size pieces and coat your veggies in the oil of your choice. I usually choose olive oil. Then put them on a cookie sheet and cook them in the oven at 400 degrees for 20 minutes. Then pull 'em out, stir 'em around, and throw them back in for 15-20 minutes. They get all yummy and crunchy. Nom! (If you include bacon, just do the same and throw it in with the veggies raw. It'll cook up! You may want to pre-cook it a bit if you like super crispy bacon.)

3. Roasted cabbage. So, it's a little different then above. You slice your cabbage into inch slices. We'll call them "steaks". Then you put olive oil and garlic on one side, flip them over and put olive oil and garlic on the other side. It's OK if it kinda falls apart. All the pieces that are lone rangers get all crispy!!! Nom! You cook it on one side at 400 degrees for 15-20 minutes. Then, take 'em out, flip 'em, and put 'em back in for another 15-20. Seriously, even my brother liked this goodness. 

4. I eat chicken thighs. Gah! I know, I know... I'm supposed to eat chicken breasts. Let me tell you something. I SUCK AT COOKING CHICKEN BREASTS. They are always dry. Freakin' dry! I can't do it. I can't eat it! I will starve rather than eat them. So, I just throw some boneless, skinless thighs on the ol' George Foreman and eat e'em up. 

5. I like to eat Salmon. I usually buy the frozen kind at Costco. Yup, I'm classy. Don't judge me. I'll punch you. 

6. I love soups! Seriously, when I first started eating Paleo it was really hard for me to eat veggies. REALLY HARD. I had really never eaten veggies on a regular basis before. So, I threw a bunch of veggies in the Crock Pot all day, and cooked the shit out of them! Usually I'd use tomatoes, bell peppers, carrots, onions, spinach, garlic, and anything else that I had that I thought might work. When I got home I would throw them all in a blender and blend it up. I'd add some chicken and some chicken stalk. Soup it was! OR I wouldn't thin it out with chicken stalk, and use it as sauce on sketti squash. (AKA: Spaghetti Squash, but I'm a child.)

7. I love Sketti Squash! Here's how I make it. I put in the microwave for 3-5 minutes so it's easy to cut. Then put it in a glass cake pan with about a half of inch of water in it and cook it at 350 for about an hour or so. Then I scoop out the goodness and mix it with some yummy sauce and meat. It's super scrumptious. I even figured out how to set my oven, so I can get the squash ready, and my oven will turn on by itself! Then I come home to ready sketti squash! Nom!

8. I like to eat eggs. Seriously, I just love eggs with runny yolk. Nom! I like them with my roasted veggies especially! 

9. Fruit! Whenever I have a sweet tooth, I mix up those cookies mentioned above, OR I make a fruit salad. Yum! Also, I've found that if you make enough fruit salad, it makes for a nice smoothie in the morning! 

10. Smoothies! I love them! They're great cuz you can put some fats in them with flax or chia seeds. You can also add veggies like carrots or spinach. I usually use frozen fruit and a banana. For liquid I use water, almond milk, or green tea! There's no recipe. I just throw things together and drink up. 

11. The key to eating well is to always be prepared! ALWAYS! For this I love Lara Bars! I really like the cherry, apple, and lemon! Yum! 

12. I also like Stretch Island Fruit Leather for a quick snack! You can buy a BUNCH at Costco. I do have to limit my purchases of this, because I've been known to eat like all of them in a week. #NoShame

13. Cauliflower Mash! So this stuff is so good! First you chop the Cauliflower into bite size pieces and boil it. I usually boil it for like 20 minutes. Then throw it in a blender with some olive oil, garlic, and salt! I also throw some Ghee in there when I have it! (Ghee is clarified butter. It's considered Paleo, though I do know some people at actually butter.)

14. Ceviche! Seriously, this shit is the Simply chop up the following into itty bitty pieces... cucumbers, tomatoes, green onion, shrimp, avocado, peppers of any kind, and perhaps some jalapeno. (And anything else you find yummy and Mexican like.) Then drench it in limes. I use 4+. Depends on my mood. The more lime the better as far as I'm concerned. Add some salt, and eat up! Yummmmmmmm! It's making me want to eat some. If I'm feeling really crazy I put some in tomato juice, and call it shrimp cocktail. I've found that Campbell Tomato Juice isn't terrible for the occasional cocktail. 

15. Veggies and Bacon! When I first started eating veggies, I fried them with bacon! I still like to do this with bell peppers and green beans! Yum!!!

16. Rotisserie chicken is good for a quick dinner! Add it to something, or just eat it plain! 


I'd like to note that in writing this I realized how boring my diet is! I know I eat other things... I'll let you know what they are when I think of them. Here's a start though! 

Happy New Years Resolutions to all of you! Maybe one of your Resolutions should be to keep your Resolutions, because it sure feels good when you actually do!!!

Oh, and if you need a jump start you should talk to me about an Advocare 24 Day Challenge. I do recommend it as a healthy eating jump start!!!

PS: I'm writing this in my "office"! I cleaned this sucker up so it's ready for my master's program! It's complete with doggy beds and tunes. It'll be fantastic. But I think I need a higher chair for my desk. Or a pillow... 

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