Sunday, December 15, 2013

Dodgin' Bullets!

So it's not nice to laugh at others "misfortunes", AND it's probably wrong to find any kind of pleasure in them. Although, I vote that doesn't count if in this situation... 

That fella I was hangin' out with turned out to be douche. Is there a nicer way to say it??? NOPE!!! And I'm probably an idiot for ever being interested. Story of my life. I have a syndrome I'm going to name... Potential-itis. I tend to see people's potential, but not who they really are. That's so great of me, right? NOT! Cuz let's face it. Sometimes if it looks like a douche, acts like a douche, and talks like a douche, it's probably a douche and not a potential Prince Charming. I think I need to develop a screening team, so that any future dude I talk to has to talk to a series of my friends and family before their permitted to talk to me. (Now taking resumes for the screening team.)

Anyways... Back to the point. So this... lovely man... ended up standing me up. Straight up standing me up. Ass. Yup, no text, no call, no show, no apology. I know, I know, "Stefani that's his loss." Well, duh! But still it doesn't feel nice to be stood up, let alone by someone you'd been hanging out with. Talk about confidence bursting. &&& To get stood up my a douche bag at that!!! (PS: Fellas if you ever do that to a girl imma punch your face.) Obviously I've gotten over it, though there were a few tears. 

So that ended in like October, well yesterday I was informed that the dude had totally effed up things with his job and got the boot. Now, I won't rejoice in the pain he must be in or the fact that his life sucks... But I will say... DODGED THAT BULLET!!! I ain't got no time for that shit! Everything happens for a reason, am I'm kinda in a rockin' place right now. 

But I kinda really think I need a screening team, cuz I coulda been caught up in that mess!!! Takers? 

Also, I've kinda decided that arranged marriages may not be terrible. I'm pretty confident my parents wouldn't settle for anything less than perfect. It seems easier. Dating isn't as fun as it should be. It's kinda hard. It's kinda exhausting. &&&  The pickin' is slim around here. PLUS, then you factor in that I have to find someone who is willing to accept my children, and dating becomes impossible. Being a single chihuahua mom is hard. Especially, with the emotionally damaged one. Oy! 

Anywho, more to some soon on the Single life of Stefani. Maybe that should be what I call my blog. Ha! 


  1. "Single Life Of Stefani", could also be the title of an award winning novel!
