Sunday, December 29, 2013

Stay-Cation + Resolution #1

Welp, my 10 day stay-cation is (almost) over... This is almost something to cry over, but I won't cry. Nope, nope!

It was a fantastic 10 days. I did not wear jeans or work pants one time! I'm pretty proud of myself. Haha.

I had a fantastic Christmas with a fantastic family, and got to have some fun times with great friends!

All year I've been looking back on my life a year ago, and it's INSANE to me that I'm the same person in the same place. I cannot tell you how miserable I was last year. I mean, I've told you, but words cannot truly explain how I felt.

I haven't told a lot of people this, but I actually was given a legitimate opportunity to move to Boise this past month. I could have been living in Boise by the end of January. It would have been a lateral move within my agency. I turned down this opportunity. It just didn't feel right. My house was a hurdle, but probably could have been easily overcome. The cost of living there opposed to here was a hurdle, but that also could have been dealt with. It was one of those things that just didn't feel right. Just didn't sit right. There were so many reasons to stay here! Living close to my family, my fantastic friends, CrossFit and the opportunities I have at my box, my office and the people I work with, and the list could go on forever. I knew it wasn't right, but still kind of wondered if I would regret it. Well, I think the last 10 days I've really realized how absolutely LUCKY I am to be here! That's right... I've moved from "This place isn't as bad as I thought" to being so, so LUCKY to be where I'm at. For the first time since probably my junior year in high school, I feel settled. Really settled. I don't feel the need to search for something or to look for something better. I don't feel like I'm lacking anything. That's not to say I'm stagnant. It's just my personality to be moving upward and onward (if you know my mom you'll get this), but it's not a frantic searching for something better. I truly am at peace with who I am, where I'm at, and where I'm going. I'm confident in my decisions, and am rarely concerned about what others think of my decisions. I've realized that I have to do what's best for me. Gah! I'm so great! JUST KIDDING... but for real. I'm a real catch. Tell your friends. Haha... I'm glad I'm not going anywhere for a while. Not to say I won't ever move, but it won't be in January!

That being said I'm still a little anxious to go back to work. As of this moment I have 94 e-mails to check. I'm terrified. It was not a "convenient" time to go on vacation. But it was scheduled and Lord knows I needed it. I think that one thing I need to work on at work is not getting so worked up about situations that stress me out. I'm a passionate person. And when you're working with people and their lives, sometimes it's hard not get your whole heart involved in things. There are a few things that reign true at my work though...
1. I have guidelines to follow. I cannot work outside of those guidelines, no matter how much I want to.
2. Though I work with professionals, many of them have flaws just like I have my flaws.
3. Many of the clients have a very different world view than I have had or will ever had. Their perception of the world is completely different than mine.

This leads me to my first New Year's Resolution...

Resolution #1: I will have COMPASSION for all of the people I work with, and will work to understand their perspective. I will accept what I cannot control, and do my best to devise the best solution possible with the resources necessary.

Cheers to the New Year!

(More Resolutions to Come)

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