Friday, February 28, 2014

Since Marriage is a Religious Institution.

Since marriage is a religious institution and people have certainly made their point lately that it should stay that way and everything related to marriage should be based on what the Bible says about marriage, then I think that we need to make sure that we really apply this theory to ALL aspects of marriage. Since, we’re all so good at not sinning and all.

Since marriage is a religious institution and divorce is not condoned in the Bible, THEN I think divorce should be illegal. &&& I think that everyone who has been divorced can be fired from their jobs or refused to be served based on their divorce status.

Since marriage is a religious institution and pre-marital sex is not condoned by the Bible, THEN I think that anyone who has had pre-marital sex should not be allowed to be married. &&& Anyone who has had pre-marital sex can be fired from their jobs or refused to be served based on the fact that their all whores.

I really think we need to follow through with these things!

Divorces create so much hate and animosity in the world! Kids’ lives are destroyed by divorce every day. Many kids don’t know how to handle it, and many parents don’t know how to handle a divorce appropriately for their kids. There’s a reason he Bible says that it’s not acceptable, because it really negatively affects people. We cannot let this happen! If you choose the wrong person to marry then I guess you should have been smarter! Not our problem. A commitment is a commitment!  

People who have had sex outside of wedlock shouldn’t be able to be married, because obviously they have shown that they can’t remain faithful to one person. Also, if they have a kid out of wedlock they probably could have messed that kid up good! There is a good chance that they’ll end up divorced, so we should definitely not allow them to get married! We just can’t take that risk!

Oh, am I out of line? I forgot you get to decide what a sin is and what isn’t. That’s in the Bible right? “My people get to decide which sins we punish worse, and they should tell the whole world when their sinning. That’s how you love each other and ensure that people feel loved.” I’d put the reference in here, but I’ve searched and searched and can’t find that verse!

It’s none of my business if you had sex before your married or if you got divorced??? It doesn’t affect me, so I shouldn’t care??? Weird… Very Weird… Tell me again how gay marriage has ruined your life???

Oh, that’s right! Everyone should believe exactly like you do! And shoving your opinion down their throats will ensure that happens!

…. I’m sure you sense my sarcasm, but I’m not kidding. I’m so sick and tired of reading all this shit about gay marriage this and gay marriage that. Ban on gay marriage has already been deemed unconstitutional in several states, the precedence is set, the fight is over. If your goal is to “change them” or help them see that they are “sinning” you’re failing. What their hearing is “we hate things we don’t understand” or “my belief is more important than yours” or “your feelings are not valid but mine are.”

Think about the message your sending, because it’s not good one. The only people agreeing with you are equally as close minded. You’re not bringing anyone to the dark side. Stop! Just Stop! You're not only hurting yourself, but you're also giving people a reason to hate God. You may not know it. Didn't Sunday School teach you that you may be the only version of Jesus that anyone ever sees? Are you reflecting what he would reflect? Really? Cuz I don't think you are...

You’re the reason I don’t like to classify myself as Christian, because I don’t want to be associated with people like you. God told me to love, and that’s what I do. I’m usually so busy loving I don’t have time to shove my opinion down other people’s throats or judge people. Except you, you have been so in your face that I have taken the time to judge you. Perhaps I shouldn't get married because I just sinned. #truth

Sorry, I'm really not sorry.
Now stop posting all your bullshit so people can see my Crossfit Posts! Duh!

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