Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Body Fail!

Look, 2 days in a row!


I'm thankful for...

1. Nice Vet Techs! Fiona was a champ with her nail clipping today. I think it helped that I held her. I think I might ask to do that with OC next time. See if it helps.

2. Learning to stay calm, and take things with stride. I know I was thankful for this yesterday? a few days ago?... but seriously. It is so awesome. I feel super in control of my emotions.

3. For the fact that student loans are available so I can pursue my dreams. Granted, I think that I shouldn't have to pay the money back... BUT regardless... I'm glad I'm able to go to school!


So, this is an interesting experience. BUT today my body failed before my mind! I know, this sounds odd. Why the hell would I want my body to fail? The truth is, I like seeing how far my mind can take me. I love being mental strong just as much as I love being physically strong. Typically in a work out, I always freak out before I push myself to my performance ability. Especially it's hot. I've been working on endurance, however, so I've had to start doing 2 WODs on Tuesday and Thursday. Today my first WOD was good. I felt good. I moved quickly. I was mentally able to push myself. Then came the second WOD, and I was a little dehydrated. My calves were starting to cramp. Mentally I was ready to go. I wanted to kill that WOD... Physically... It just wasn't happening. Because I'm not an idiot, I made sure to scale back and take it relatively easy during the 2nd WOD. Not because I was freaking out, but because my body needed it. It was so frustrating that my body wasn't cooperating, but I was so excited that I had finally gotten to a point where my mind didn't stunt my ability. Boom! Put that in the "mental strength" record book!

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