Tuesday, July 1, 2014

3 + 1

I was listening to this Ted Talk yesterday, and loved it. I love Ted Talks in General. If you ever need a pick me up or a new perspective or a little more info about something, you just need to find a nice solid Ted Talk to watch. I haven't watched a bad one yet!

This one is all about how you shouldn't base your happiness on success, and instead should base it just on being happy and being where you are in life. Which is such an interesting concept.... Just be happy and the world gets better!

He recommended a few things, but 2 of which I will be sharing with my blog.

1. To write down a positive story that happened in the last 24 hours.

2. To write down 3 things you are thankful for daily for 21 days.

I'm going to attempt to do that daily on here. No promises it will actually happen daily, but we'll give it a shot. Here it goes!


Today I'm thankful for the fact that my brother cleaned my garage, that I work out at a place that I want to go to even when I'm not working out, and that my tattoo doesn't hurt too bad and turned out so good!

So, here's where this is going to get tricky. The good thing that happened in the last 24 hours isn't something I'm ready to share with the world yet. In fact at this point only 5 other people know about it, one being my brother and another being my mom. I will say that I had a nice evening of walking around, enjoying the canyon, eating Subway, and chowin' on some Kiwi Loco.

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