Monday, July 7, 2014

This one time...

I said I was going to blog everyday. Then didn't... whoops!

However, I'm going to be thankful for 12 things (That covers Friday-Monday) today! The whole having one awesome story thing, is hard for me. I have a lot of things wonderful that happen everyday... I had a lot of awesomeness in my life this weekend. I just don't know if I can put it into words how freaking awesome it was.

I'm Thankful For...
1. My Crossfit family, and people that partake in awful team WODs along side me. Especially those who take their time to do some cheering in the end.

2. Friends who make me laugh until my abs hurt.

3. Friends who like to get their grooooooooooooooooooove on!

4. Friends who love Sushi just like me!

5. Old friends who have become new again and who come to hang out with me and my crazy Crossfitting friends. (Even though we may have reverted into complete Crossfit mode... whoops!)

6. Friends who drive, so I don't have to. &&& That I have friends with similar interests in being responsible when drinking.

7. Breakfast at Buffalo! (Yup, I did that with friends toooooooooooooooooooooooo)

8. Swimming, island making, and spending time outside. (Yup, more friends!)

9. People who make my friends happy and treat them right. That's an awesome thing to see, gives me hope for the same kinda magic in the future, &&& I don't have vote people off the island... which is great! (Voting people off the island is not fun.)

10. Waking up to sweet little puppies who love to cuddle.

11. My ability to stay calm in a situation that normally would have stressed me out. Turns out I'm getting older, wiser, and happier.

12. Baked Potatoes. Need I say more?


This weekend was pretty freakin' fun to say the least. I seriously have not laughed so long in a long time. I don't know how you can go wrong with a 4th of July party filled with laughing, booze, bacon filled guac, sparklers, and dancing! Or a Saturday after the 4th filled with sushi, and lady bonding. OR a Sunday after the 4th filled with more friends, laughing, and swimming. I felt so refreshed this morning. Which is so odd considering how much going I had goin' on this weekend. Perhaps my Ted Talk was right... If you are happy with your life you'll be happy with your job.

Cheers to being Positive Polly.

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