Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Selfish Much?

In preperation for starting school again, I've had to do many things. One of those things is to prepare mentally. I need to prepare myself for what is to come. 

I especially need to prioritize my time, stress, and emotion output. I try so hard to make everyone happy all the time. Disappointing people is the worst. I want to be supportive and caring for all those that I love all the time. Unfortunately, this results in me being very stressed and spread way too thin. Especially when you consider the ammount of stress and emotion I deal with on a daily basis just at work. 

For that reason I have decided that I'm going to be an incredibly selfish person for a while. Weeeeeeeeell, selfish might not be the best discription... But basically I'm going to avoid situations that stress me out or drain me emotionally. I'm going to become the queen of "no" and boundaries. I'm not going to put myself in a stressful situation for the happiness of others or to avoid the stress of others. 

That may not be a popular approach, but that is the approach I'm taking. I figure that those who matter most will understand and will understand my decision making. 

I'm also avoiding all planning. If things work out last minute, than things work out last minute. That's just life! 

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