Wednesday, February 26, 2014

I Am Beautiful.

I don't believe there should be a standard for women. I think it's bull shit. 
{Skinny. Thick. More to Love. Strong. Homemaker. Career Woman. Working Mom. Blonde. Brunette. Make Up. No Make Up. Sweats. Heels. Boobs. Flat Chested. Long Legs. Short Legs. Big Butt. Little Butt. Belly. No Belly. Stretch Marks. Smooth Skin. Pimples. Long Lashes. Short Lashes. Short Shorts. Bermuda Shorts. Book Smart. Street Smart. Ditsy. Proper. Short Hair. Long Hair. Dreads. Single. Married. Crazy Cat Lady. Weight Lifter. Cardio Queen. Independent.}

All are BEAUTIFUL as far as I'm concerned. 

Yet there are messages that society sends... 

Be Skinnier. 
Be Prettier. 
Or Don't Change a Thing About Yourself. You're Perfect!

There's nothing wrong with being skinny, nothing wrong with being pretty, and nothing wrong with being happy with yourself... BUT aren't there more options? Shouldn't there more options? It's a great big world... I want options. 

Quite frankly I don't really want to fall into any of those categories. 

Losing fat is cool, but it's a nice side affect of gaining muscle. I would rather wear the same size clothes and be able to clean 200 pounds than fit into a size 6. 

Being pretty is nice, but if I don't have time to put on makeup I won't. Some days I go to the store in my sweats, because I can. I have no shame in this. I don't feel the need to always try to be pretty. I think God made me pretty fantastically, and many days that's good enough for me. 

I am pretty amazing, but I want to be better. I can always improve. I can always be better. I don't want to stop and just be content with where I am. It's just not what I want to do. 

Now choosing to chase after these things isn't wrong BUT I want more. I don't want to be put in a box. I don't want to be told what is beautiful. I am beautiful just the way I am. 

I have a dream that someday girls will be able to be proud for who they are and what they want to be. I hope that they will be able to dream of being a homemaker without people thinking their settling. That they can go to college and chase a career and maybe even have kids in the process without people thinking they're less of a mother. That girls can get a hair cut without thinking about what everyone is going to say. That women can have strong bodies without being thought of as manly. That we can all be ourselves and still be beautiful. 

I hate to say it, but I don't think we're there yet. I don't think that women have the freedom to be themselves or to chase who they want to be. And GOD FORBID they be proud of who they are, and don't hide themselves in shame.

Unfortunately, I think that we suppress ourselves more than men suppress us. Whens the last time you thought/said, "Gosh, I hope I never look like that!" or "Ummm, she needs new hair." or "Someone forgot makeup." or "She gave up everything, and is just a mom." or "Her poor kids, I can't believe she works so much." 

Tomorrow, I challenge you ladies to compliment someone on who they are. Tell someone you like their funky hair that fits them so well. Compliment a woman who has been working hard to diet for sticking to their goals and achieving them. Tell someone how proud you are that they can work and maintain a family. Compliment someone on their dead lift. Tell someone how pretty they are while they're wearing sweats. Compliment someone on their beautiful family that they dedicate their lives too. Tell someone you're proud of them for not settling for less, because they deserve more. 

Just tell someone their beautiful, for no other reason then because they are who they are. Their choices may be different. Their path may be different. Their outlook may be completely opposite to yours. It's their life though, and they are living it the way they want. &&& Someday your daughters and their daughters will have more freedom to live life the way they choose without judgement. 

Oh how beautiful the world would be if we all recognized that everyone is truly BEAUTIFUL.

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