Monday, February 17, 2014

YOU are Better.

I bring this up, because I'm reading this book that I CANNOT get enough of! The book is all about letting things go and moving on. It's called "The Single Woman's Sassy Survival Guide to Letting Go & Moving On" by Mandy Hale. NOW, it's not all about single people things. It has really good insight in to letting go and moving on from jobs, friendships, relationships, opportunities, and grievances. Letting go and moving on from things is something that I have really struggled with in the past. I have since gotten much better at it, but I wish I would have found this book years ago! 

The fact is that who you associate with affects who you are and what you do. 

Here's an example I see all the time. Billy keeps hanging out with Frank and Tom. Frank and Tom use drugs, and so does Billy. Billy gets help and works really hard to get clean and start a new life. Billy, however, doesn't understand why he can't hang out with Frank and Tom anymore (something that we enforce is that kids cannot hang out with old acquaintances). Billy is stronger now. He knows how to stay away from drugs, and Frank and Tom are his friends. Billy decides that he can hang out with Frank and Tom, and use his skills to not use drugs while he's with them. Within a month Billy is using drugs again. Why? Because you really are only as good as the people you surround yourself with.

Granted, that seems extreme... BUT it's true! There have been many times in my life where I have noticed that I have started to develop into someone I don't really like, and then I quickly realize it's because of the people I'm surrounding myself with. 

It works in reverse also. If you surround yourself with positive people, you will become more like them. To be honest I think that surrounding myself with friends who are kind, supportive, and who believe in being healthy, has been the single best move I've made towards bettering myself and being healthier. They aren't afraid to say "Whoa Stefani, you've gotten a little carried away with the sugar lately, and now you're a bear." They also get just as excited as I do when I succeed. I look to them for guidance and support and try to dot he same for them. I really think that I would not have made nearly as much progress without them.

Not that I exclude people from my life who aren't supportive or who don't have the same mindset, but it just makes life a whole lot easier that I have them in my life! &&& I have noticed that I am gravitating more towards fun, nice people who make healthy life choices, because that is who I want to be!  

Anyways, what I guess I'm trying to say is that the people you surround yourself with can hurt you or help you. If they're hurting you then MOVE ON! YOU deserve better. &&& If you need to know how to do that read this super fantastic book! 

&&& Don't be afraid to let go! I've let go of a few things/people in my life, and while I wish them the best I know that I am better off for it!

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