Monday, January 19, 2015

"Because you need more..."

As we were waiting for class to get started on Saturday, I was excitedly telling my classmates that I had ordered the Dave Ramsey debt thing. (I still don't know the name of it, and I have no desire to look it up. .Just Google it or something.)

I was pretty proud of myself. It is a very adult move after all, and the perfect birthday present to myself! I hope that it's the gift that keeps on giving!

One of my classmates scoffed at me and said something to the effect of, "Because you need more to do in your life?" And I kind of laughed it off. Then she said, "If only I could have the 10th of drive and ambition you do." I replied with, "Haha, I'll take that as a compliment." She assured me it was a compliment.

Then it got me thinking, maybe I am taking on too much?

I hear how crazy I am a lot. Anyone who knows the crazy balancing act I'm trying to pull off or hears about it, looks at me like I have 5 heads. I often also get, "Are you still doing Crossfit, too?"

I constantly waiver on being flattered by their comments, and becoming more overwhelmed because their stress and sympathy for me stresses me out.

The comment made by classmate really made me think though, and after much deliberation I've decided that I'm not doing too much.

Here's the thing. School is important. Education is important. My career is important. BUT none of that is worth the rest of my life.

When I'm done with school, what will I have? Hopefully a new job, but what else? If I give everything else up, I'll have nothing. I'll be out of shape. Feeling crappy. Broke as shit. And have dwindling relationships with the outside world.

No education is worth that.

When I graduated from undergrad there was a time where I had a serious identity crisis. My ENTIRE life my goal was to go to college and graduate. As a naive high school-er, I knew that I would find prince charming in college and marry after graduation. Then I'd live happily ever after.

So, that didn't happen. In case any of you missed that memo.

After I graduated, I wasn't quite sure what I was living for. What would I work towards? What do you do when you accomplish your life goal? How do "adult" after living for college the last 22 years for your life?

I wish someone would have told me to do more. I wish someone would have helped me set goals beyond that graduation day. I wish.

BUT they didn't.

I refuse to do that again.

I refuse to let getting my masters be the only thing I'm working towards.

Honestly, I see my masters more as a pain in the ass life requirement than as an ultimate life goal. Totally worth it, but not everything.

This semester is going to be terrible. This semester may break my soul. This semester may be the first time that I don't "pass" a class. (Passing is an 80 or above. If I get a C I have to retake the class.) This semester might do it to me. BUT I refuse to sacrifice everything in my life this semester. I'll get through it. If I have to retake a class, I retake a class. My life will go on. The things that are important to me will still be here.

So yes, I will do more. I will be actively making sure that I'm eating healthy. I will be meal prepping. I will be trying to eliminate my debt. I will still be going to Crossfit. I will also be doing a little running. I will continue to live my life as much as possible.

BECAUSE those are the things I will have in the end.

AND I have a feeling that I'm going to be alright.

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