Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Day 23

I'm currently blogging while stretching. This could be a new thing. 

I think I brushed death today. Shook it's hand. Had a convo. And then decided that I was going to finish my deadlifts and box jumps instead. 

TOTALLY beat my mind today. I think that beating your mind is do times better than beating each other. (Hahaha!!! Don't beat each other. It's illegal.) 

Mentally I feel fantastic but physically I'm hurting. 

We did Regional WOD 5 today. I Rx'd the deadlifts (205#) and PR'd my box jumps. Seriously... Death is less painful. I'm pretty certain. 

I couldn't have done it without my CrossFit fam cheering me on though. Seriously, if you haven't tried CrossFit yet you should! It changes your life!

The good news is tomorrow is Day 24! The only thing that will really be different is that I won't have to take pills anymore AND I'll know what the numbers are for my improvements! 

I know, I know... You're excited!!!

I'll post some pics and the numbas tomorrow!!! 

For now I have to go try not to die. 

How many Ibuprofen is too much Ibuprofen? 

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