Wednesday, June 12, 2013

If you're not first you're last!!!

I'm going to say something, and you're going to say, "Uh, duh Stefani!" 

The fitness world is very competitive. (I know, I know, Duh!)

Now, I get it. I am just as competitive as the next person, and athleticism is competitive at it's core. Going way back to the Greek Olympics. 
(Note: Historical information may not be factual). 

Here's the problem, I think that the competitiveness has flowed into the wrong places, and that it's becoming increasingly unattractive and confusing to people. 

Everyone has an opinion on what strategy is the best way to be healthy. Lift a lot of reps at a light weight. Lift as heavy as you can. Do tons of cardio. Don't do cardio. If you don't check in on Facebook your time at the gym doesn't count. 

The truth is that how you work out depends on your goals. Body builders are going to have a different work out plan than a basketball player. My grandma is going to work out different than I am. Some people want to get stronger. Some people just want to look good. Some people want to be super strong and look good (ME!). 

Depending on your goal, you will do different work outs. It doesn't necessarily mean that that work out is bad or good, (Well, maybe some scientists can argue about that, but I ain't got no time for that.) yet I constantly hear people putting down other people's method. Now, I've done it jokingly... but some people get down right nasty about it! (I'm pretty sure it's because they know that if their not doing CrossFit they'r doing it wrong... Hehe)

Where I'm going with this is that I don't understand why people insist on tearing each other down. No matter what kind of work out you do, you are trying to better yourself and I guess I don't see how that can ever be bad. 

Don't get me wrong. I LOVE CrossFit and you will hear all about CrossFit from me because that is what works for me. Tell me about what you're doing and I'll be just as excited for you! 

That being said, I think that we get a little over competitive in our categories as well. We all have competitions. It could be weight lifting competitions, the CrossFit games, body building competitions, marathons, etc. And during those competitions you're going to be competitive  You might also be competitive with your friends in the mean time. I think sometimes people take it too far though. It's one thing to compete with people on your level, but make sure you're picking on someone your own size. Also, make sure to encourage each other. It's OK to cheer people on and be excited for their accomplishments even if their greater or less than yours. (If you don't know how come visit The Pack... We'll show you how it's done.)

I think if people were more opened arm and less competitive then maybe less people would be so intimidated by the fitness world. Let me tell you, if I would have found a gym like The Pack sooner, I would be smokin' hot by now! Everyone is so encouraging. They push me to be better every day and build me up. And we definitely have our competitive moments, but at the end of the day we all have the same goal... 

er... I mean... 

&&& To have fun doin' it!!! :) 

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