Thursday, June 6, 2013


I've been holdin' out on everyone... Not on purpose but because the scale broke!!!

I refuse to use a regular scale, because I want to see my fat% muscle gain break down. But currently the scale is out of commission. 

I stepped on it 2 different times in 5 minutes and it gave me bogus numbers and two totally different sets of numbers!!!

That's OK though because this pic is cool...

Seriously, I think the craziest part is that it was only 24 days!!!

That's nothing. You can do anything for 24 days!!!

If you're interested in doing this let me know and I can get you the stuff. I'm going to start selling it. 

Paleo is the real deal folks!!!

Now I have 48 days til California. Perhaps I'll have to buy new clothes while I'm there. 


UPDATE:: The scale has been fixed!!! I lost 3% body fat. Gained 3 lbs in muscle. Lost 5 lbs over all.

Since March my weight is pretty much where I started. I've lost 8% body fat and gained 17 lbs in muscle!!! So cool! 

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