Sunday, June 2, 2013

Days 19, 20, & 21

Did you miss me???

I kind of fell of the face of the planet, but it was a good weekend and we have a lot to talk about. 

********* Day 19 **********

I did a little experiment today. My friend gave me the link to these cauliflower tortillas by Simple Palate. I decided to try them out since I was itching for tortillas. First of all, I didn't follow a few instructions  I didn't use a food processor. Mostly because I don't have one. I instead used my hands a cheese grater to rice the cauliflower. I think this worked well, but I have nothing to compare it to... I also thought "Man, this is supposed to make 6 tortillas? What are the smallest tortillas on earth?" WELL, there is a reason she went with 6 tortillas. If you try to make 2 big ones (like I did) they will end up breaking in half or fourths while you try to flip them. 

This is what mine turned out like... 

The good news is that they tasted pretty good, the bad news is that they were not enough like tortillas to quench my craving.

I still ate them though! I piled them on my plate and piled my beef and yam taco mix on top. Topped with my avocado dressing of course!

All in all it was pretty good, it just didn't quite do the trick. 

********** Day 20 **********

Now, today started off with a victory. I went to breakfast with my uncle and ate ALL PALEO while I was there! I had 2 eggs, bacon, and fruit. I asked for fruit instead of hash browns, and I didn't touch my toast. I was so proud of myself. I think more than any thing I proved to myself that I can have a life and still eat Paleo!

Then I went to see my cousins who were here from California. I HADN'T SEEN THEM IN 6 YEARS!!!

Aren't we precious???

I know, I'm not looking at the camera. 

Normally, I would crop this before showing everyone so that you can't see my whole body. I didn't  because my body is looking better than it once did. Also, when I look at this in a month I'll think "Wow! Look at that progress!" and when others look at this in a month they will think, "Damn, girl!" 

Haha... But for real. There is progress. 

After this my family and I were HUNGRY and I had been craving Mexican for far too long!

I had fajitas. An awesome Paleo option. I did indulge in 2 corn tortillas and some beans. Here's how I saw it... I had been craving tortillas and beans for quite a while. There were two options... indulge in a little now OR go NUTS on beans and flour tortillas (my fave) in a few days. I decided to indulge a little now. I also took a sip of my mom's Margarita. I only had 2 of 3 corn tortillas though. 

I think that it was a completely reasonable "cheat" and I don't feel one ounce guilty.

If I'm going to be successful, I'm going to have to give in occasionally. 

********** Day 20 **********

Today, I headed home bright and early. I didn't have my MNS pills, so I wanted to get back here ASAP. I did eat breakfast before I went though. Eggs and Bacon. Yum! 

I had my MNS and meal replacement for my snack. That worked out well. Then I continued on my day. 

I was super productive. I organized my workout room/office/craft room, I unpacked my last box, I cleaned my whole casa, I mowed the lawn and then I made a...


(It's easy)

1/2 of a Fresh Pineapple blended into juice. 
(I added 1/4 a cup of water to start the process)


1 frozen banana
1/2 cup blue berries

Blend until smooth!!! 

It's probably too much fruit for the night time... BUT I'm a rebel.

It's better than ice cream, right???

I mean that in both senses of the word. 

Tastes better and is better for you. 


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