Saturday, October 19, 2013

Never Done...

Not gonna lie.

Not happy with the way I look in the one WOD pic I saw for today. I'm dreading all the others.

However, there are a few things I've learned in Crossfit.

1. You're never "done". Just about the time that you think you're done Kristin will say "Good Job! Now, make sure your hamis are loaded and your core is hallow" or "Stefani, that was a nice curl, but now I need you to clean the weight." SERIOUSLY, THERE ARE JUST SO MANY RULES!!!

2. The only person who can make changes is you. Everyone else is there to help, but no body can force you to squat lower, run faster, or lift heavier. You have to do it all by yourself.

3. Everyone has their kryptonite! (Is that how you spell that???) Seriously, even my most super heroic friends. (We have quite a few that I'm pretty sure could move buildings if they tried... Maybe we should try!)

What does that all have to do with me not being pleased with those pictures???

WELL, that means it's time to get back on the straight and narrow. There ain't not "bulking season for this girl". Well... there was, but it was like 24 years long... I think I probably have another 24 years before I can justify another bulking seasons.

Like most things in Crossfit, I am going to attempt the impossible!!! I am going to try to be on the straight and narrow through the holidays!!! (Oooooooo... Ahhhhhhh....) I promised myself that by 25 I would look better than 24 (So far I'm doing pretty well... but I'm not done!), and by golly I don't like breaking promises. Especially to myself. Nobody else likes when I break promises to myself either, because it usually ends in tears. Ha.

Anyways, I think that the only way to really conquer the holidays is to set myself some rules. I am one of those people who thrives in structure. If I just say "I'm going to eat clean" I will make sure there's not dust on my ice cream before I eat it. (This is best done by eating an entire carton at one time.) SO I have to give myself rules to avoid the previous situation. I wish someone else would give me rules though, but I suppose when you become an ad*lt (I hate that word) you have to have some self discipline or some shit like that. Now, if you see me being a cheater, cheater pumpkin (pie) eater, please throw something at my head. #KTHANKS.

1. I can only have planned cheats. This means that I can't just be goin' around cheatin' cuz I feel like it. I have to plan my cheats. For example: Next weekend I'm pumpkin carving with my familia (that's family, for all of you non-Mexicans... Hehehe). We're going to eat taco soup (straight from the homeland), and by golly I will be eating it with all the fixin's. However, tomorrow I can't just go buy ice cream cuz I feel like it. It is not planned!!! Let's say that I have to plan at least a week a head of time and put it on my calendar. BOOM!

2. In situations where I am randomly not in a good-food-friendly environment I have to make the very best choices possible. This means if my boss comes to town and we go to lunch, I can't order pizza just because. I have to get a salad. OR if I'm at some kind of Christmas Party I will choose foods that best match my health goals, and will avoid things like brownies, candy, cookies, etc.

3. I can eat candy ONLY on Halloween Day. 

4. I have a 3 day window around Thanksgiving and Christmas. Meaning, I can cheat the day before, the day, and the day after. After that it's back on track. (Don't worry, I will undo all progress in those 6 days.)

5. I can drink on New Years cuz I like New Years. #DONTJUDGEME

6. I will prepare Paleo friendly foods to take with me when possible and appropriate. 

So, that's the deal with myself. I'm not going to weigh myself before or anything like that. I'm simply going to do this, because I want to feel good about myself. I know that if I eat well and train hard then I will see the results I want!

Feel free to join!

PS: My other goal by my birthday is to jump on a box. Without crying. Ha! To do this I wrote myself a box jumping program. It starts out ridiculous, so don't judge me when I'm at the box jumping 2 inches. It's all part of the process. And I will jump on a mother effing box.

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