Sunday, October 13, 2013


So I'm currently blogging in the bath. Totes weird, huh? 
This is what OC does when I'm in the bath. He hops up there and makes sure the bubbles haven't eaten me. Isn't he sweet???

Anyways, there really is a reason I'm blogging in the bath. I kind of had a reality check. These happen to me periodically. It usually when my life gets "soooo hard". Please, sense the sarcasm because I realize I live a good freaking life. 

Lately, I've been frustrated about life in general. I just want everything! I want enough money that I can do what I want. I want new boots. I want some dude attention. I want people to do things my way. I want to do my work outs my way. I want to be faster. I want to be stronger. I want to eat like shit and still look good. I want froyo. I want single friends who get me. I want to party. I want to dance. I want. I want. I want.

Gah! I annoy myself I think! Then I don't get what I want and I get pissy!

Here's the thing. I feel like in our society we're taught that contentment will get you no where. You need to always be fighting and striving for the next thing. &&& don't you dare think it'll come around. Nope. You better go get it, and do what it takes to get it. Or else. 

Now, don't get me wrong... There's some reality to that. If things need to change, they won't change with out a little effort on your part (typically). BUT who says that you have to he discontent with every part of your life??? Seriously, if you're wishing for more in every part of your life you will be so freaking miserable!!! 

I think I need to be more content with my life as a whole. I have a freaking good life! I have good people in my life! I am so, so, so blessed! 

I've decided that I need to stop wanting. I need to work towards goals in a few areas, but be content as a whole. 

 I'm going to do this by being thankful. My goal is to get a small notebook that will fit in my purse. Everyday day until my 25th birthday I'm going to write down 5 things I'm thankful for. When I want I will read through those things. That's 515 things to be thankful for! 

The rules: 

It has to be applicable to my day.

It will be done in moments of frustration, anger, or wanting as applicable. 

No repeats. 

I will be specific! What I'm thankful for and why. 

Bam! This is going to be good! I'll keep you updated!

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