Thursday, October 10, 2013

Stop Attacking Me!

I'm beginning to notice... People really have a hard time looking outside themselves. I don't know if it's intentional or if it's habit. Either way I find it quite... Disgusting.

Here's a few things that I've seen recently that makes me think that we as Americans need to re-evaluate a little  bit.Call me crazy, but I choose to believe that not everything that happens in this world is a personal attack on me. Now, the "my logic" portion is not based on fact but on my own logic. So, here are two major examples where I think that people took things more personally than necessary. 

Issue: The Affordable Health Care Act requires people to buy insurance. 

People: OMG, THE GOVERNMENT IS TELLING ME TO BUY INSURANCE! They don't know me! They can't tell me what to do! Even though me, and my family have hand insurance for the last 20 years because I understand the benefits and have a good job, but if I want to stop having insurance I don't want my government telling me what to do!

My Logic: Huh, I remember in college that they required you to have insurance, and if you didn't get your on insurance you had to  purchase their plan. There must be a reason that they make you buy insurance. Perhaps, it's because if you don't have insurance to help pay for medical expenses someone else is going to have to pick up the bill. Who would pick up the bill if someone without insurance was diagnosed with cancer? Hmmm... Well they would have to cover it if they could, but then they might go bankrupt. My guess is that the doctors don't just say "Whoops, they went bankrupt. We don't need paid!" Nope, someone is going to pay. That's why the price of treatments increase for everyone else. My guess is that some how the government even picks up part of that check. Though I'm not sure of those logistics. My assumption is that it's far cheaper for EVERYONE in the long run if people would just buy insurance. I think that maybe shouldn't be required to buy insurance, but perhaps if you choose to not buy insurance you should not be allowed to receive any medical treatment unless you can prove that you can pay up front. Get in a car wreck? Better be able to hand the ambulance your credit card while your on your way to the hospital. Better hope it doesn't get declined or you're bleeding out on the side of the road. Get cancer but don't have insurance? Well, you probably don't know you have cancer because you can't go to the doctor unless you can pay for it out of your pocket prior to. Oh, that's cold and heartless? So, you're telling me you want medical care but don't want to pay for it??? Stop asking for handouts!!!

PS: I would assume that statistically most people who don't want to have to by health insurance actually have it and have had it for a long period of time. 

Issue: The school is requiring a doctor's note before I can send my kid with a packed lunch. 

People: OMG, I'm pulling him from that school! How does this school have a right to tell me what I'm feeding MY kid! I might as well home school my kid! The school obviously does not appreciate my efforts to make my kid healthy! 

Me: So, if your kid has a medical condition you should probably just get a note. Even if they don't, call a doctor and get a note. I'm sure most doctors would write a note saying, "Due to preventatives measures being taken by this mother to ensure the health of her child, her child needs to bring lunches to school from home." That seems pretty simple. I'm sure I could call at least 2 doctors right now who would do that and probably not even charge. Perhaps, instead of teaching your kid to run away from adversity and "pull your kid from school" you could teach your kid to approach this situation in a productive manner. Call the teacher and say, "Hey, I got this note from school. I plan to get a doctors note, but want to make sure there's not concerns with what I pack little Timmy." My guess is you'd hear something like this, "No, the meals you pack are amazing! I'm jealous and try not to steal them. However, not all parents pack their children healthy lunches. There are children who come to school with leftover McDonalds or a lunch box filled with candy. We are making attempts to help the children be healthy, so we are trying to eliminate these types of lunches. However, we cannot target those families, so we have to make a rule that applies to all. Please know this isn't a personal attack." Badda Boom Badda Bing! Problem solved! 

PS: How you react to situations will impact your kids. Please for the sake of everyone in the whole world do not teach your kids to "run" when there is adversity. Do not teach kids that they don't have to follow the same rules as everyone else because you said. That teaches them they are some how superior. Even little things like this have big impacts on kids. Teach them to run, and they'll run. Teach them they get to pick and choose the rules they follow, they will pick and choose the rules. Be an adult and set an example. Don't throw a fit. More on this in the future I'm sure. 

Anyways, so there's a couple things. Mind you there are many, many more of these situations. Don't take things so personal. Think outside of the box. Understand the world is probably not out to get you. It's out to get all of us. It's equal opportunity. :)

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