Wednesday, October 2, 2013


I've decided I don't give a crap about politics. I care about people. I care that people are taken care of. I care that people have opportunity. I care about kids. I care that they eat. I care that they have clothing. I care that they are given opportunities for success. I care about people.

I don't care who is president. I care if the president cares about people. I don't care who in congress. I care that congress does what's in the best interest of people. 

I don't give two shits about money. I care that people are able to feed, clothe, and put a roof over their children head. I care that if a kid is sick they can go to the doctor. 

That is my "political" stance. 

That being said I think people need to recognize the advantages they had at life. I think that people need to realize that not all "boot straps" are created equal. Some people are pulling at mile long boot straps. Others are pulling at inch long boot straps. Here are the advantages I had, that not everyone has. 

I knew I would get fed 3 meals a day as a kid, so I could focus on school instead of my hungry stomach. 

I knew my parents could afford to keep a roof over my head, so I never stayed up at night wondering if we'd be evicted again. 

I knew that my parents would clothe me and those clothes would be of high quality, so I never worried if kids at school would make fun of me.

I knew that my parents would provide me with most everything I needed/wanted so I never felt the need to steal. 

I knew my parents would take good care of my little brother, so I never had to worry about taking care of him or protecting him. 

I was never cold in the winter, because I had warm clothes and my parents ran the heater.

I knew if I was sick I could go to the doctor, because I had insurance. 

I knew that if there was ever need for operations, x-rays, or scans I'd get them, because we had insurance and my parents valued our health.

My parents valued education, so I was always supported in my educational endeavors. 

My parents wanted me to have an opportunity to enjoy sports and be a kid, so they did whatever it took to allow me to be involved. 

My parents loved and supported me, so I didn't have to search for that from somewhere else. 

My parents worked hard and provided well, so I could go to college after high school instead of staying home to help support the family. 

I knew my parents would and could help in a financial pinch, so I could go to college full time and only work part time. 

I had parents who supported me my entire senior year, so I could devote myself to an internship (which turned into a job.)

I bought my first house at 23, because I had family to help and guide me towards making sound financial descisions. 

This list could go on... 

Don't get me wrong... I worked hard to get to where I am and work hard to maintain. However, my boot straps were only an inch. While other kids were wondering when they'd eat next, trying to protect their siblings, hoping they'd have a home the next day, dropping out of school to support their siblings, freezing in threadbare clothes during the winter, etc... I was living a care free life. I was throwing fits about not going on mission trips to Guatemala!!! (True story) I think people need to realize there is a harsh reality for some people. Some overcome that reality, but some struggle to do so. I think that people need to realize that we are not all born equal, and many will NEVER understand the struggles people have gone through.

Call me crazy, but maybe if people would stop judging other people and would be a supportive voice more people would overcome negative circumstances. I think that the first step is to give kids hope and opportunity. The first step to giving kids hope and opportunity is to stop bashing their families. If you tell a kid their family is "crap", they think they are "crap", thus becoming "crap". 

So, maybe people should stop being so judgmental, realize there's situations beyond their realm of comprehension, and simply be grateful that they do not have the struggles of others.

Don't get me wrong. I'm not socialist. I don't think that everyone should have to divvy their money among the rest. I think that the ability to earn money is great motivation. I do, however think that people who have opportunities need to stop thinking their so great and judging those who haven't had opportunities. I also think it wouldn't hurt for them to go as far as to be encouraging to those who haven't had opportunities. You don't have to give them money. Or hand outs. Just stop being freaking ass holes. You're talking about human beings. 

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