Sunday, October 13, 2013

What are your posts?

This is my last post about all the political things going on on Facebook. Seriously, I have to get all this frustration with the human race out of me. I've decided that I will be deleting and/or hiding the posts of people. Now, I'm not doing it because people have different opinions than me. I think that's great. If you have a different opinion good for you! As long as you're able to give valid reasons for your opinions. Opinions based on fact, are fantastic. Opinions based on information you're being fed through the media shows that your are ignorant, and willing to believe anything. That my friends, is dangerous.

I challenge all of you to not share articles unless you can find at least 3 articles from legitimate sources that share the same facts. Think about it. When things are true. When there is something major that happens in our country there are multiple sources all reporting the same facts. Base your opinions on facts, not on the opinions of others. Don't let others dictate who you are. 

It's more than that though. 

People post so many hateful things. Hateful things against people. Hateful things against religion. Hateful. Hateful. Hateful. 

I don't know if people don't think through things, or if they don't care. Quite frankly I really think that some people are uneducated and refuse to look at the other side of things. They simply say things because that's what they were raised to believe. 

Now, I'm not saying that all people who have a different opinion are uneducated. I know many educated people with different opinions. People who are able to articulate their believes in an educated non-hateful way. If that's the case, speak on! 

Just know that as of right now the only people sharing their opinion are people who are making themselves seem ignorant, uneducated, hateful, money hungry, elitist, etc. What are your posts saying about you? 

PS: If we're not friends soon... your posts are probably not good. 

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