Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Cardboard Horns

So, about the time I met Katy's ex some friends asked me what I was looking for in a dude. I said "uh, I don't know." The truth is I do know. I just feel like I'm asking too much. Like I'm asking for something that doesn't exist. And if they don't exist then I'll be alone forever. Ha. So, I should settle... right??? 

I think there are two schools of thought... 

School Debbie Downer: Don't shoot too high or you'll just be disappointed and alone. If you aren't finding anyone then maybe you should lower your standards. You know they are men! The main goal is just to find one you can deal with, and has a good job. It helps if you like them too. But if you want to keep liking them you have to cut them a lot of slack, and make sure you're not expecting too much. 

School Optimistic Opal: You deserve the best, and if he's not the best then you ain't got no time for him. You will get your prince charming. He will do everything you want and be everything you dreamed. Keep those standards high ladies. 

Here is my school... 

School Compromising Connie: I've got standards. Eff Ya... you better meet them or your out!!! Oh... well... you meet most of them, so that's cool. You don't actually have to meet them all. Oh, huh... turns out you don't meet that one either... or that one... or that one... (100 fails later)... Screw you ass hole! I deserve better than you! 

Yup... I'm going to guess a lot of females go to school with me. Ha, so stupid. 

I have a list of things I'd like to find. I won't give them all to you. I think that it's semi-private and ever changing.  Here's a section I'd like a dude to have but fear that I have a better chance of finding a unicorn. 

I'd really like a dude who is loves Jesus (I don't like the term Christian most days). He doesn't have to be religious (I don't really go to church as much as I should), just cool with a family where we pray, love Jesus, and attend church at least now and again. The trick is that he also has to love everyone. He can't be judgmental. (Especially has to love all my homosexual friends. The biggest barrier I've found for most "Christians".) He has to like a nice adult beverage every now and again, and doesn't judge me because I like to party every now and again. It'd be cool if he was the DD or partied too. But I'm getting off subject... He also can't judge me for cussing, but he could encourage me not to cuss at much. Mostly because I know I shouldn't cuss this much. 

See THAT. THAT is what all dudes are missing to one degree or another. Usually they don't believe in Jesus or they are judgmental and not loving of others. Not that any of those things are necessary "terrible", but they certainly wouldn't fit well as part of my life... I'm pretty freaking liberal in most of my thinking AND at the same time I do a lot of that praying and trusting God thing. And it works for me. It helps me through the tough times, and gives me satisfaction in the good times. I know that I have friends who don't believe the same. That's fine. But those are my beliefs and I'd like someone who shares them. 

Seriously, a freaking unicorn. So, I think that maybe I'll just focus on grad school... that should distract me from the horses with cardboard horns trying to trick me for awhile. 

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