Monday, September 23, 2013


I kind of love this song. Like a lot. Like maybe too much. 

If I had a check list of things I wanted to be, it would be this song. I sing it in my head. "She got her own house, her own car..." 

It kind of makes me smile. Makes me feel a little bad ass. 

I've been told that it's "intimidating" that I own a house. That I'm "too" independent. 

Those things make me feel insecure for a second. Then I think about ways to remedy that. 

Here would be the solutions... 

- I can sell my house. 
- I can sell my car. 
- I can depend on someone to provide for me. 
- I can turn into who these people want me to be. 
- I could depend on everyone else to make decisions for me. 
- I can just stop working and live with my parents, until they can pass me off to a man. 

A list of things I'm not willing to do... 

[See Above List]

Turns out I just can't be THAT girl.

Also, if you ask me I'll tell you that I feel SO lucky to be where I'm at today. I definitely had some assistance along the way from my fambam. 

There was a perfect storm of goodness that has gotten me here. I am pretty determined. I worked hard. I know what I want. My fambam helped where they could. And BAM here I am. 

If that is intimidating, so be it. 

Cuz I'll just sing this song ALL DAY and night...
While I cuddle with my Chihuahuas. 
In my own house. 
That sounds a little less cool. 
What is that to-do list again? 

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