Friday, September 13, 2013

Diaries of a Single Lady

So, I think I should rename this blog to "Diaries of a Single Lady". I figure I've already put some crazy person thoughts out there. Might as well keep it up, right??? Plus, this way I really will be single for life and the blog would be never ending!!! Ha... Or I'll leave it the way it is and just keep being real. You're welcome.

Today, Hunter Hayes was talking to me. Well... maybe it wasn't me but I'm pretty sure it was to me. I was listening to "I Want Crazy" and just singing along. Then he said "I don't want a catch up call and a date sometimes." And I thought... "ME EITHER!!! LET'S GET MARRIED!!!" Then I thought that maybe I was being a home wrecker, but then I remembered that I heard somewhere that he and fiance broke up. So, I'm not a home wrecker. Then I remembered that it was just the radio, and he wasn't actually there talking to me. Big bummer.

But for real. I think that since I've been in Twin Falls I've kinda really felt like I was going to be single forever, so I'm maybe not as selective as I could be. This is seriously what was going on with Katy's ex. He didn't really have time for me, or at least not the time that I thought I needed. Don't get me wrong he's fantastic. He's a nice dude, funny, and a hard worker, and we had lots of fun together. I hate to beg for attention though. I get annoyed of myself. Seriously, I am not that girl!!! I think in the world of single-dom it's easy to settle. Being single sucks some times. It's also really awesome sometimes. Or a lot of times. I mean you know, it kind of depends on the mood I'm in. But it does suck sometimes.

I think that living here in Twin Falls has really started to skew my perception of the world. Seriously... EVERYONE IS MARRIED!! OR IN A RELATIONSHIP!!! Don't get me wrong, I don't hate those people. I mean good for them. You found someone that has agreed to put up with your shit forever! That is a good thing! But, it's hard to be single around that. Don't get me wrong I like 3rd or 5th wheelin' it with my friends. I like that I don't have consider the feelings of another person. (Hahaha). I do have consider the feelings of my chihuahuas though. They're so needy!!! Anyway back to the point... But it's hard to remember that most 24 year olds around the United States are actually single. Not married. Single. In fact here is some interesting information on marriages. I particularly like the one that says that women who wait to marry until they're 30 make more money!!! Holla!!!

Anyways, I'm very good at being single... I've done it for pretty much 24+ years now. So here's 10 things that suck. And 10 things that rock. Let's do the sucks first so we can end on a positive note.

Sucky Sucky Poo Poo

1. You have no one to kill... er... re-home... your spiders!

2. You have to take out your own garbage.

3. Coming home to an empty house all the time kinda stinks.

4. You have to find other people who are either single or not doing anything with their significant other or will let you 3rd wheel if you want to hang out with people. That makes for some lonely Friday nights eating watermelon, drinking wine, and blogging. (This was not such a problem in Boise. But I'm struggling at the moment.)

5. You have to do the dishes every night.

6. Talking to your dogs is kinda weird, and they're not good conversationalists.

7. You have to call your dad to fix things. Then he has to give up golf for a day/afternoon, and that is never good.

8. You have to always drive.

9. The chihuahuas are really bad at cuddling.

10. It gets really awkward when everyone is talking bout their man and your like... "Oh, I know what you mean... my chihuahuas today were running around the house and  barking."

Awesome Awesome Yay Yay

1. I do what I want, when I want, because I want. 

2. When the chihuahuas are bad or annoying I don't have to "talk it out"... I just put them in their kennel until I feel like dealing with them again. 

3. No one to argue about chores with. Seriously, I do my chores when I want because I want. 

4. No one can bitch about my chihuahuas. If you don't like them don't come over. 

5. Proper hygiene is optional. (Hahahahahaha, jk)

6. No body can judge my musical or show selections. 

7. I don't have to fret over what to buy for Christmas, Birthday, Valentines, Arbor Day, etc.!!!  

8. When I go to the bar I can accept free drinks without guilt. 

9. Holidays are spent with my family, no question. 

10. I do not have to consult anyone else when I make plans. 

Anywho, pretty sure I'm not the only single person on earth who feels that way. I think that the only thing that matters is how you deal with it. If you are relationship crazy and jump from one dude there is probably a problem. I am also probably judging you and telling you in my head how dysfunctional that is. However, if you're logical and realize you've fallen into the "single sucks" hole, you can pull yourself out and keep on enjoying your single-dom until a super awesome dude comes along. Seriously, it is kind of great.

I'm going to go "cuddle" with the chihuahuas now. You're jealous. I know.

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