Friday, September 27, 2013


IF I HAVE TO SEE ONE MORE EFFING MEME THAT SAYS "You should have to pass a drug test for welfare, because I had to pass a drug test to earn it" OR "I want a picture of the ghetto family I'm supporting." I'M GOING TO FUCKING LOSE MY GOD DAMN MIND!!! 

I can't decide if people are heartless or idiots. Maybe a combination of the two? Or maybe just ignorant to reality. 

OK, that's probably kind of mean. But I really do feel that way. 

I get it. People misuse the welfare system. It's true. There are people out there who take advantage and who teach their kids to take advantage and they take advantage. There are people with brand new cars who are on welfare. It's unfortunate. You should know that whether you know it or believe it or not there are limits on actual welfare money. There is a 5 year per-person federal cap on actual welfare. Now, there are other money sources such as disability or unemployment that may allow for more time. But actual welfare tops out at 5 years. Food Stamps are a whole nother story, but we won't get into that. You can tell me I'm lying, but I was trained in this shit. I kind of know a little bit about what I'm taking about. 

SURPRISE, there are actual people who need to access welfare for one reason or another. It is there for a reason. I think that everyone should pray that they don't have to ever access welfare, because it is definitely not rich making. BUT if you have a family that needs to live and you don't want to be homeless, you will access it. Or I hope you will at least. If you're so prideful you're willing to make your family homeless instead of accessing government funds I don't think you deserve your family. Just saying. 

Now let's address MEME #1... 

"I think people should take drug tests." 

Yes, you're probably right. That would be logical, but do you know what happens by requiring this??? Kids don't eat. Kids don't live in any kind of decent housing. Kids don't have clothing. Kids come to people like me and say, "I stole because my mom can't afford clothes for me." Yes, I've heard that. You are hurting KIDS. Kids who are innocent. Kids who already got the short end of the stick. You are creating kids who re-enter the cycle. You are eliminating opportunities for them. 

Oh, excellent idea! We'll just take these kids away from their parents!!! Uh... that isn't how things work. Kids want to be with their parents. Plain and simple. Kids want to be with their drug using inappropriate parents. Also, it is actually VERY difficult to get kids taken out of the home. It does not happen as often as people "think" it should happen. There aren't enough foster homes in the world, and literature says that kids are better off with their parents no matter how bad their parents are. So, in short, kids are not going to be taken out of homes. It is unrealistic. It's unlikely. It's not going to happen. 


"Picture of the Ghetto Family"

First of all  your taxes go to so many things, that you probably give your "adopted family" a total of a couple bucks a pay check. If that much. Maybe if you're making a million dollars a year that's different, but most of the people who want a picture aren't. Also, you don't know who the people on welfare are. It's not like they have stamps on their head. Maybe you're assuming people are on welfare, but their not. Maybe you're assuming people aren't on welfare but they are. Maybe assuming makes and ass out of me and you. I'm thinking the last one is correct. Basically it's a pretty freaking arrogant statement to make considering chances are most people aren't even aware of how the system works. 

Again you are only hurting kids. You are putting this stigma onto kids, when it's not their fault their parents access welfare. You are teaching your kids to single these kids out. You are creating kids who live into what everyone thinks they should. You are not allowing kids to see their potential. You are shaming kids for something they should not be shamed for. 

FINALLY, if the government wasn't taking taxes to help these families then they would use that money for something else. Stop freaking whining. It's not going to stop. You will always pay taxes. You can either throw a fit about it your whole life or accept it and move on. 

FINALLY, FINALLY maybe everyone should worry about themselves, and not spend so much time worrying about others and how they get their money. 

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