Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Stefani, Who?

Seriously, dating is stupid. I think that I'm all for arranged marriages. It has to be easier. I think I trust my dad's judgement to at least get a nice guy and my mom's judgement to make sure he's not a total loser. I can work with that right?

Anyways, so it amazes me how fast people (including myself) can lose themselves over other people. I mean a person starts to like you for you. In my case if a guy ever says "I like that you just call it like it is." Perfect! Because that's what I do best! So, I had that happen. Then Katy Perry's ex-boyfriend (Read This) just disappears. And I get all insecure. "OMG he doesn't like me?" "He said he likes me!" "Why doesn't he like me?" "Why won't he text me?" "Did I do something wrong." And other thoughts of an insecure 24 year old girl.

Then I realized... WTF??? Who the hell thinks like this? Certainly not me!!! I am a 24 year old woman not some insecure little girl. What would I do in this situation??? Call his ass out!!! You can't go around telling a girl how much you like her and then forgetting she exists. It's not OK. It's rude. Sometimes you have to use your effing words. Seriously... If you want me to disappear tell me to effing disappear!!! But use your words!!! Your mama didn't teach you words so that you can stand there and look pretty!

So, I said that to him. A little nicer. I'm not a bitch after all. Just a girl who wants answers. AND what do you know it's been an hour with no response. So, I think a giant "fuck you" text is in order. That's rude though... So I might not. I don't want to be too crazy. But for real! Grow up!

Anyways this could be a really awkward post if he like broke his texting fingers or something, and then we end up living happily ever after. In which case my message to him is, "Well, you were being an idiot. I'm glad you got over that sickness for now. But you will be an idiot again, and I will probably be angry."

The lesson in all this is...

1. Don't forget who you are over a guy.
2. Don't let him make you feel insecure.
3. Blog about him, because Murphy's law says he's going to text me as soon as I post this.
4. If the right guy comes along he'll like you despite your crazy.
5. We are all a little bit crazy, let your crazy flag fly! It sorts out the men from the boys!

That is all for today. <3 p="">

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