Monday, September 30, 2013


Man Oh Man I have been in one nasty funk. Seriously. TERRIBLE!!! 

It was about a month of not caring much about anything. I didn't feel like being social. I didn't want to eat well. I didn't want to work out. I didn't really want to do much at all. 

I'm not sure what sparked it. I think it may have been a combination of work stress and burn out and contentment regarding working out. This is totally what I do. I go at something 200% and I burn myself out. I think that's what I did health wise. I ate and did CrossFit like it was my effing job. Well, maybe not that much, but freaking rocked it for a solid 3-4 months. It was a little too hardcore. A little too overwhelming. And it brought me to a point of contentment with my body. I am easily in the best shape that I've been in, well, EVER! Even in high school I wasn't this strong. Though I was smaller at one point. I have been liking my reflection in the mirror. I've been liking what I see, and I struggle to imagine any thing more. I can't imagine myself more fit. More in shape. I think that stunted me. I kind of felt like "I'm done!" And well work stress is kind of self explanatory. A necessary evil. 

I'm here to tell you though... THE FUNK IS GONE!!! I'm not sure what actually tipped the scale, but I'm feeling pretty freaking motivated right now. I know there there are a few contributing factors, so here is my recipe for Funk-Be-Gone! Well, as good of a recipe as possible at the moment. It's like trying to figure out a recipe after only taking a bite of what is supposed to be the finished product. Tough!!! 

From the Kitchen of Stefani
Servings: As much as you need. 
Cook time: 2-6 Weeks

NOTE: All measurements vary based on the person. 

Friends (who know and support your health/fitness goals)
Logical Thinking
Things That Inspire You

Step 1: Be sure to take a BIG gulp of perseverance. You can't give up just because you don't "feel like it". If your mom gave up on you because she didn't "feel like" being a parent then you'd be worse off than you are now! You have to keep going through the motions. Fake it until you make it. Make sure to be communicating with you friends about your funk. They can provide external motivation. 

Step 2: Look at yourself. Your life. Your days. What is it that you feel your missing? Gotta have a little insight. Are you missing alone time? Are you missing friends? Are you feeling the need to further yourself? Are you feeling lonely? Are you angry? Why? Do whatever it takes (within reason) to work on that part of your life. I started the process of getting my masters. I took some extra time for myself. I cleaned my house. (For real a dirty house throws me off, but I hate cleaning!!!)

Step 3: Make sure your still keeping your friends involved. Ask them for help. 

Step 4: Seek inspiration. Look for things that might inspire you. Watch videos that might inspire you. Read quotes. Seek inspiration wherever you can get it. 

Step 5: MAKE UP YOUR FREAKING MIND!!! Set some goals. Decide that you are going to accomplish those goals. Call your friends again and ask them to help you!!! 

For me this turned into a 7 day Paleo Challenge with my friends, and a month of October where I will not cheat unless it's pre-planned. Basically I won't impulsively cheat. And after watching some squat videos I've decided that my squat is about to get an overhaul. I was even so motivated today that I still WODed even though I forgot my shoes!!! Yup, I WODed in shitty shoes and took that shit off and just wore my socks at one point.

Feelin' amazing. About to look amazing. Excited to see what my body can be!!!

PS: I also would like to say that there is NO WAY IN HELL I would have EVER stuck with any of this if it wasn't for my CrossFit fam, and my friends. I really think that paying to go to CrossFit or paying for a trainer is 100% worth it. Unless you have some super motivated friends. Plus, if your lucky (like I am) your trainer/coach/fellow CrossFitters will be come your best friends and biggest fans. 


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