Monday, September 23, 2013

Head Held High

Ummm... Can I just tell you that I thought that the response to my last blog was freaking BEAUTIFUL. Absolutely amazing. 

I was afraid to post that blog. I didn't know what the response would be. 

I was humbled. It's funny, because somehow I had gotten into this mindset that I was the only one with insecurities. That I was the only one struggling to overcome her own thoughts daily. And if there was others they were no where close. 

I was wrong. 

The people I see everyday. The women I love so dearly, all have insecurities. I freaking love that everyone was able to share their insecurities. I think that we're all one step closer to overcoming those! It was BEAUTIFUL. 

(I also think that we'll all cry as we overcome those insecurities, but it's fine... )

And the love I felt. I seriously have been feeling pretty lonely here lately. I can't pin my finger onto why. I've been here about a year, but lately it's just kinda sucked. I think there are a lot of reasons. Some of it is my own insecurities. But I was reminded how much I was loved by my CrossFit family. These are people that I've known only since March if not later than that. Seriously it amazes me. CrossFit really does turn strangers into friends and friends into family. 

So, today I walked into the box today. Head held high. Knowing that some of my biggest fans would be there. And they were.

I'm a pretty lucky girl. 

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