Thursday, January 30, 2014


I hate when people throw this shit all over Facebook, but since I posted all about my adventure it just seems right to follow up.

Perhaps I should draw you all another picture...

You pick up what I'm throwing down. 

Don't grab your pitchforks. 

He's a nice man. He's a good man. He as, as a whole, has been nice and kind to me. However, it was decided today that things just weren't going to work out. 

From this all I have gotten an awesome story and went on a crazy adventure.

&&& I'm back to doing what I do best... being a crazy dog lady!

&&& No I don't anticipate another adventure quite like that. I mean other than the utter let down now, the trip was as good as could be expected. I can't expect that to happen twice. 

That is all! 

I'm still here and awesome. 

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Don't Drown!

I have decided to illustrate what I believe is a normal health journey or journey to health or journey to awesomeness. Ya know, whatever you want to call it. I drew some pictures on app called "Paint". 

The white part is air AKA healthy eating and things that will make you live long. 

The blue part is water AKA pizza, ice cream, and that type of stuff &&& our food culture as a society. 

Eating healthy is like treadin' water. At first you're fine a dandy. Pass the cabbage! 

Then your arms get tired and you start to sink, because you just want one piece of pizza... DAMMIT!!! 

So you eat the pizza, and you know what? Ice cream sounds good too! Then you sink a little more... 

Then you're drowning in pizza, chips, candy, ice cream, pop, etc. 

And you gasp for your nice healthy air by eating an apple. But deep down you know that the apple doesn't counteract your pizza! 

The trick is to not stay there, and to fight to get back to this... 

Because the truth is that no matter how tired you might get staying above water hurts less than drowning. 


Also, I do this drowning and treading battle constantly, but as long as you start treading again you'll be OK. If you just become satisfied with drowning... Well... You'll die. 

I'm Smart!

I started this school thing just over a week ago. Here are a few thoughts I have... 

1. An online Master's program is VERY different from a in person undergrad. Or at least this one is. 

2. I am so glad I opted for 2 classes not 3.

3. Juggling work and school and Crossfit (my 3 priorities) maybe slightly more difficult than expected, BUT I have a game plan that I think will work.

4. I'm smart! I was really scared about writing on discussion boards, because I was afraid the other students would be like "this dumb bitch." But, two posts in and I got some kudos from students and a professor! Not to say this will continue but I'm going to just soak in the glory. 

5. I REALLY like the content matter. I find it all so very interesting! I'm actually enjoying what I'm reading. Who woulda thunk?

6. I now understand why the old people in my classes were so annoying. Apparently going to school while being a responsible adult brings out the over achiever in you. Or in me at least. Sorry old people I despised and made fun of.

Sunday, January 26, 2014

Golden Birthday!

So, I went to sleep at 7:30... Now I'm un-asleep. Whoops! 

But here's the birthday deets!!!

First, I got to do the most awesome WOD ever! Seriously, can't go wrong with a team WOD that includes 300 DEADLIFTS! 

Then as the WOD was finishing people started to act a little funny. They ended up setting up a projector, and showing a video... THE BEST VIDEO EVER!!! Just picture 6 good lookin' Crossfitters in an NSync music video! It'll change your life! Hahaha or come watch it at my house! :)

Then my rents came over and we ate and went to Costco and laughed! And my brother and acted like we were 10 again. And I took pictures of him...

Aren't we presh! 

Then it was off to dinner with some of my favorite ladies. I'll like pictures explain this one... 

And then there was dancing! And I have this really awesome video of Ashlee but I can't figure out how to get it on here... 

It really was an awesome amazing day!!! 

25 is gonna be a good one!

Monday, January 20, 2014

He Loves Ice Cream, Too!

Sittin' in Kalispell and I don't even know where to start. I know that I have to write a blog to follow up. Duh! I just don't know what to include! So I decided to give you the basics here and if you want the gushy girly details you will have to call! The blog can't do it justice. It was amazing! He was an all around gentleman. He let me hold his arm as I walked across ice, he opened doors, he paid for everything, he made me meals, and wouldn't let me help with dishes. We laughed and talked and laughed some more! I got to meet a few of his students and friends. I believe you are what you surround yourself with, and he surrounds him self with good hardworking people. 

It's funny because everyone was telling us all the things we should do (ski, ice skate, hike,etc.) but we didn't do a lot of that. We did normal things, and I got to see his life. I enjoyed that and I think I know him better for it! We went to dinner, shopped, went shooting, watched the game, and did some movie watching and  ice cream eating at home. He may love ice cream more than me. If that's possible. :) 

The part that really had me in awe was on our way to go shooting. We were headed up the mountain and drove past a lady who was trying to dig out her car that was tipped on it's side. Her boyfriend had left her out there to "work on it" by herself until he could get back with tools. (She needs new boyfriend.) He stopped to help get her out. I stayed in the car because we didn't know the people, I'm no help in those situations, and well there was no need to add additional stress to the situation. It turned into a big group of dudes digging this lady out. We ended up pulling the car out with his SUV. It was kinda crazy and exciting BUT there are few things more attractive than someone who is willing to help a stranger. I was/am kind of in awe.

It was pretty super. I'm not sure you would call him my boyfriend but I like him more than when I left and I'm excited to see what comes next! 

(Also, I don't know when he'll visit but he did say that he'd come Crossfit with me when he does!)

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Is this real life?

It kinda hit me about Mountain Home... That this is real life! 

I'm actually going to Montana (assuming I can get my legs to step on the plane)! 

I'm pretty sure I'd be less afraid to sky dive. 

The good news is that I'm passed the hopes for a fairytale. I mean even if things go perfectly and we're everything each other dreamed, there are still a few obstacles... Like the 9 hour drive and Montana's lack of Crossfit boxes. 

So, I'm being realistic and a grown up. Real life isn't about fairytales and adrenaline and love aren't the same thing. (Take note of that people. ADRENALINE AND LOVE AREN'T THE SAME THING!) 

BUT I'm still stressed and nervous...

Now, if I were working with a kid who was stressed out about things they can't control I would say, "What can you control?" 

So here's what I can and will control... 

1. I'm going to smile. Because even if he's a douchewad I did something I never thought I'd do!

2. I'm going to absorb the experience. There will be lessons to be learned from this either way, so I will learn. 

3. I'm going to enjoy Whitefish and all it has to offer! At the very least I'll get some pictures of pretty scenery! 

That being said... I'm going to enjoy my evening with my good friend Jessica. 

Tomorrow, I'm off on my great adventure. I will meet a fantastic guy and we may or may not hit it off, BUT I'll definitely return a better person with an experience I'll never forget. 


(Do you like the XOXO... It may be my new thing. Ha!)

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Commercial Break

I interrupt the current programming about the Great Montana Adventure of 2014 for a little CrossFit talk. Because you know us CrossFitters... We only talk about CrossFit.

Here's why I talk about CrossFit sooooooooooooooooo much!

So, the other night I was talking to a potential new Packer while the coaches were doin' their thing. I think that in that moment I got a flashback of what it was like to enter The Pack for the first time. Granted I think it was slightly less intimidating that that time because there was less people and a smaller box. Scary none-the-less. Here's the break down of how I became a Packer and changed my life forever! (Not even joking!)

What I as looking for...

1. I was trying to get healthy, and the eliptical at home was not doin' it for me anymore. After 3 months of that business I was OVER IT!

2. I needed friends. I had (fairly) recently moved to Twin Falls and I was looking for an outlet. A group of people that I could relate to. Friends.

3. I knew that if I was going to maintain a work out routine I needed someone to hold my hand. Ok, not literally... but I needed and still need someone who I know will hold me accountable and keep me active.

What I did...

1. Started asking people for gym ideas. My cousin suggested CrossFit. I had never heard of it before.

2. I started looking into gyms. I started checking out pricing for personal training (see #3) and looking at websites.

3. I found The Pack and made a call. I remember Henry calling me back and telling me about CrossFit. I literally did no research on what CrossFit even was. Thank goodness, because I would have never gone! I did say things like, "Well I'm not in very good shape..."

4. Henry convinced me to come in that night to try it out.

5. I went in that night and did a work out with Kristin. I was dying. It was an easy work out. But I was sold! Done. Son.

6. I went to the store afterwards and bought new work out clothes and shoes. (No Joke. I think I have a problem.)

What I got...

1. I got an exciting new work out everyday that makes me want to cut limbs off, tear my lungs out, and die, BUT that keeps me coming back for more.

2. I found friends. Not just like "Hey, how are you?" Friends... BUT "What can I do to help you friends?" And they're super funny.

3. I found a people to hold me accountable. I've never tested it, but I'm fairly certain they'd come to my house if I didn't show up for a few days with explanation. Maybe I should test it... :)

4. I found a place that literally brightens my spirits just by being there. There's something magical about people pushing themselves to their limits. There's something infectious about people doing things they never dreamed they'd do. There's something exciting about a room of people filled with endorphins!!!

5. I found a people who support me and recognize even my smallest accomplishment. And who will come beside me and do burpees or pull ups or run with me when I'm struggling. Not because they have to, but because they want to see me succeed and because they know that sometimes we all need a little extra encouragement.

6. I have seen results! Who doesn't want to see results??? For real!!! I've seen results in my body's shape, BUT more importantly I've gotten so strong! I can pick things up with no problem. I can do any physical activity without feeling intimidated by it! Cuz I CrossFit... duh!

7. A place that can tailor my workouts to me. If I can't do things like everyone else... My coaches/friends take the time to help me figure out a way to work the same muscles but do something I can do. And let me tell you, I am the queen of modifications!

8. I have increased my Bad Assery by 50%.

I know that not all CrossFit gyms are like this, and that I am lucky.

I can't imagine my life without The Pack.

It turns out the concerns I once had, this future Packer had too! So, I'm here to say... don't be afraid friends. The Pack is full of kind and loving people who want you to succeed as much or more than you do! Change your life and get your ass in there!

PLUS if you do it in January you only have to pay $50 not $125 for the first month. So do this shit.

I love The Pack!

Yay, CrossFit!

Ok... I'm done!


Tuesday, January 14, 2014


Seriously, the packing part of this whole thing was stressing me out. I was told to pack for a nice dinner, church (yup, goin' to church because he has a performance with his violin students), and warm clothes for the rest of the time. That is the most vague description ever. Such a dude!

Praise Sweet Baby Jesus for Angelina who came and helped me pull my life together!

This is my super cute carry on suitcase!

Had to get that first. DUH! (Listen I earned some retail therapy today! Dammit!)

And this is it filled with clothes!

Yup! I fit a whole long weekend worth of clothes in there. Not much to spare so if I spill on a shirt I'm SOL. Gah... now I'm stressed again... perhaps I can squeeze one more shirt in there???

Any who, there is just enough space for an extra pair of shoes, my blow dryer, and my make up.


It was a little stressful. I'm glad Angelina was there to help me through it. She even got to meet Michael via FaceTime, because he called. Who's jealous??

Now I have to figure out what coat. I mean I love my Pea Coat and it fits best and will look best with my dinner/church outfits. BUT he mentioned that we might go snow shoeing (yup, packing an extra shirt at least...) and for that I would need my real winter coat. This is so stressful. Angelina suggested that I wear one and carry the other, but that sounds like a pain in my ass! 

So, while all of you are worrying about my safety, I'll just sit here and worry about coats. Yup, I'm a dumb dumb. Really though, you are all so supportive and excited for me and loving and prefer that I remain alive. It makes me feel all warm and fuzzy! Pretty much I'm glad you people are concerned, because it takes the pressure off of me. Angelina has been lighting candles. I'm not full Mexican, so I'm not sure what that means but I think it means that she's praying for me. Ha! 

Just so you know here is the current break down of my worry percentages... 

.2% That I'll Remain Alive
.3% That I'll Freeze to Death
19% That TSA Will Bitch About My Carry On
20.1% That We Won't Have Chemistry
60.4% That I'll Bring the Wrong Coat


It's going to be grand. Glad you're all along for the ride!

Sunday, January 12, 2014


So, when I started writing this entry I wasn't sure if I'd ever share it. You know... Just needed to get my thoughts out. I didn't want to share it because this is kind of putting myself out there. It makes me feel uncomfortable. I don't like talking about relationships much anyways. I always feel like anytime I mention a relationships ever (not even just in blog form) I jinx it. It's like the big tumbling down point. But I've decided that's silly.

Anyway this is a crazy adventure. I decided I'd share. For those of you who are going to go into super protective mode... Thank you. I appreciate your love. This is kind of scary, but it feels right. So, please trust my judgement.

Are you dying to know what I'm going to tell you? Huh? Huh? Huuuuuuuuuuh?

You know what... I need to go get some water... One sec...

Ok, I'm back!

Are you dying yet?

Ok, OK!!!

Come closer... come closer... closer... closer... WHOA! BACK UP OFF MY GRILL!!!

Ok, perfect.

So, I'm kind of flying to Montana to meet a man. He's paying me $100,000 to do it.

JUST KIDDING! I'm not an effing slut. He's not paying me.

For real though, I met this dude on eHarmony. Judge if you must, but I live in Twin Falls, Idaho. Where 90% of the men are married and/or taken and the other 10% are uninterested in me. Now, generally I don't feel the need to find me a man, but one lonely night in June I kind of spent too much money on an eHarmony subscription. 

I've talked to guys off and on after that point. I mean I'd paid for that shit might as well use it! Every so often I'd chat with dudes, but no one really seemed worth my time. 

Anyways, so this fella in Montana caught my eye one day shortly before Thanksgiving and then he wanted to talk to me. Fancy that! So, we started the whole eHarmony process. Which gives some good insight and is kinda dumb all at the same time. Then we started e-mailing. Then we exchanged numbers... Well since then we've talked on the phone for 1-3 hours most of the days in the week. We've done a lot of FaceTime. I've creeped the shit out of him to make sure he's who he says he is. From everything I can tell he is!

We were talking about him coming to visit and it was probably going to be a while because he owns his own business and he was taking a week at Christmas to go see his family. Well here's what I was thinking... I am not going to talk to a dude almost every day for 3-4 months just to finally meet him and think... Ummm... Yea.... No.

One morning at like 7 I got an e-mail from Expedia and I kind of thought... Cease the Carp! I found this really awesome ticket for super cheap! So I bought it! ....... Then I realized it was only a one-way ticket. Ha! Then I bought another super cheap ticket for the way back! Which actually added up to be a normal priced ticket! Dammit. But that's besides the point. Tickets bought. I'm going! And, yes I did talk to him during this process and we decided together it was a good game plan

Then I had to tell my mom that I had bought a ticket to visit this guy... because I needed a dog sitter! Because I am good at this kind of thing I decided to break the news to her at work via e-mail. This limits negative reactions and allows her time to process. Long story short she's agreed to watch my dogs. She said I'm an adult and trusts my judgement. She does check in every couple days to see if I'm nervous yet, though. She also called me today and finally broke down to creep him herself. I've also been required to give her his home address, mailing address, cell phone, and work phone.

The thing is that I'm not that nervous. I'm nervous that he won't like me. I'm nervous that I won't pack the right things. I'm nervous that I'll get there and we won't like each other as much as we think. I'm nervous that he won't like me as much as I like him (story of my life). I'm not nervous about going though. I'm really excited! I'm really excited to meet him. I think it'll be fun! We are even going to watch the 49ers win together!

Did I mention that I fly out Friday?

This is crazy... I'm not sure who in their right mind does this kind of thing... BUT he's a pretty good dude and I anticipate this going well! If nothing else I'm confident that we'll have good conversation! We haven't run out of things to talk about yet! :) 

Thursday, January 9, 2014

Money. Ugh.

Am I the only one who hates money? For serious. It's so dumb! Ain't nobody got time for money!

I'm trying really hard to manage my money better. I have student loans out the ying yang and I'm getting more. It is what it is, but I sure would like to get some things paid off and get on the right track!

Here's some things I'm doing...

1. I wrote down all the debt I have. Ouch. I'm going to work on paying off one thing at a time, and paying minimums on the rest. Once I pay off one thing I'll roll the money I was using to pay that off with onto the next bill. I'm hoping this will work! I got this tip from The Paleo Mama. She has some other good advice too! Her and her husband paid of $27,000 in 1 year! Now, I don't think I can do that, because it's more than half my income... But I think that I can do pretty good! (And yes, I have that much debt. Thank you student loans! Actually, the student loans don't bother me too much. I'm a social worker. If worse comes to worse I'll get them forgiven eventually, but it'd be cool to pay them back! I appreciate that I was able to go to school and not have to work full times because of them. I know some people don't agree with that, but I think that long run they have helped me more than they're hurting me, and I won't scare my kids away from them if they need them! *Off Soap Box*)

2. I'm documenting what I spend and where, and what I didn't totally need! That's the killer! In 1 week I could have already saved almost $50. 50 DOLLARS OF POINTLESS THINGS!!! In 1 week. 1 MOTHER EFFING WEEK! It's kind of frustrating. I think I just need to be a cheap ass, and get over myself. Sometimes I worry that people will judge me, but I think I need to stop caring. I would like to think by 30 I can be in a financially sound place. How awesome would that be? That gives me 5 years.

3. I'm doing is watching my bills very closely. I don't want to overspend. I'm getting rid of things I don't need, and focusing on what I do.

4. I'm trying not to make any unplanned purchases. By planning I mean that I will sit down, see where I'm at financially, and make a very specific list as to what I'm going to buy.

5. I'm not going to more expensive stores out of laziness. The fact is that I ALWAYS spend less at WalMart or Winco than I do at Fred Meyer or Swensens. Fred Meyer and Swensens are easier to get in and out of, but I always spend too much. I think Winco and WalMart are cheaper, and I want to get out of those places AS FAST AS POSSIBLE because of all the people. That helps me stick to my list! (And for all of you judging me for going to WalMart. Poop on a stick. Gotta save money and time, and if I need things besides groceries then WalMart is a one stop shop. Someday I'll have enough money that I can make Fred Meyer my one stop shop, but unfortunately that turns into a spend all my pay check stop because I LOVE EVERYTHING THEY HAVE!!!)

6. I'm going to start looking for things online. I've heard that you can save money on health foods in particular online. Things like chia seeds, almond flour, etc. I even heard toilet paper is cheaper! Haha, I seriously know people who order that offline! And their not hermits! It makes me giggle!

If I can get my money situation together by 30 I'm going to plan an awesome vacation and have enough money to take my friends with me! That would be cool!

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

I Messed Up

Yup... It's true... Blew the New Years Resolutions already!

The "No Candy" was blown on January 3rd. The Red Vines at work were staring me in the eye. They were eyeing me.

Today I blew the "Eat the best I can in every situation." Dammit! My co-worker (who is twice my age, looks damn good, and eats pretty much what she wants. bitch. jk love her!) brought in Moose Tracks. You know caramel corn with chocolate? She's super supportive and didn't force it on me... BUT I DIDN'T SAY NO! I had an orange and hard boiled eggs, but I hate Moose Tracks. They were Yuuuuuuummmmmy!!!

I know, I know... This is not a confessional. You don't need to know my all my struggles... But here's the thing and the point of this all.

I'm not even mad.

I'm not mad, because since I did those things I have gotten right back on the good eating train. I didn't let slip-ups derail me. If I've learned one thing in the last year of this fitness adventure it's that it is that slip-ups do not determine your success.

I had two options...

1. I could have done what I did, but not let it effect my goal and vision to eat healthy.

2. I could have said, "Well, I already messed up... what's another candy bar?"

For most of my life I would have chosen #2. Thus the need for the fitness adventure. Not this time. This time I chose option #1.

Because a month from now I'm not going to notice the couple of slip ups. A month from now I will notice the snow ball affect of the Moose Tracks, then the candy bar, then the soda, then I probably should get ice cream before I'm doing good again, and whats a burrito I mean they're not really that bad, and well I should probably also get fettuccine out of my system... and well you get the point. A month later the only place I am is 10lbs heavier, bloated, and feeling poopy. (Not that I've done that before or anything.)

SO, for all you resolutioners who have broken the resolution... Do yo thing! Get back on track! Because a year from now you'll be so super duper impressed with yourself! And you won't even remember those damn Moose Tracks!

And for all of you who are still on track.. Cheers to you! (bitches.)