Monday, January 20, 2014

He Loves Ice Cream, Too!

Sittin' in Kalispell and I don't even know where to start. I know that I have to write a blog to follow up. Duh! I just don't know what to include! So I decided to give you the basics here and if you want the gushy girly details you will have to call! The blog can't do it justice. It was amazing! He was an all around gentleman. He let me hold his arm as I walked across ice, he opened doors, he paid for everything, he made me meals, and wouldn't let me help with dishes. We laughed and talked and laughed some more! I got to meet a few of his students and friends. I believe you are what you surround yourself with, and he surrounds him self with good hardworking people. 

It's funny because everyone was telling us all the things we should do (ski, ice skate, hike,etc.) but we didn't do a lot of that. We did normal things, and I got to see his life. I enjoyed that and I think I know him better for it! We went to dinner, shopped, went shooting, watched the game, and did some movie watching and  ice cream eating at home. He may love ice cream more than me. If that's possible. :) 

The part that really had me in awe was on our way to go shooting. We were headed up the mountain and drove past a lady who was trying to dig out her car that was tipped on it's side. Her boyfriend had left her out there to "work on it" by herself until he could get back with tools. (She needs new boyfriend.) He stopped to help get her out. I stayed in the car because we didn't know the people, I'm no help in those situations, and well there was no need to add additional stress to the situation. It turned into a big group of dudes digging this lady out. We ended up pulling the car out with his SUV. It was kinda crazy and exciting BUT there are few things more attractive than someone who is willing to help a stranger. I was/am kind of in awe.

It was pretty super. I'm not sure you would call him my boyfriend but I like him more than when I left and I'm excited to see what comes next! 

(Also, I don't know when he'll visit but he did say that he'd come Crossfit with me when he does!)

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