Sunday, January 12, 2014


So, when I started writing this entry I wasn't sure if I'd ever share it. You know... Just needed to get my thoughts out. I didn't want to share it because this is kind of putting myself out there. It makes me feel uncomfortable. I don't like talking about relationships much anyways. I always feel like anytime I mention a relationships ever (not even just in blog form) I jinx it. It's like the big tumbling down point. But I've decided that's silly.

Anyway this is a crazy adventure. I decided I'd share. For those of you who are going to go into super protective mode... Thank you. I appreciate your love. This is kind of scary, but it feels right. So, please trust my judgement.

Are you dying to know what I'm going to tell you? Huh? Huh? Huuuuuuuuuuh?

You know what... I need to go get some water... One sec...

Ok, I'm back!

Are you dying yet?

Ok, OK!!!

Come closer... come closer... closer... closer... WHOA! BACK UP OFF MY GRILL!!!

Ok, perfect.

So, I'm kind of flying to Montana to meet a man. He's paying me $100,000 to do it.

JUST KIDDING! I'm not an effing slut. He's not paying me.

For real though, I met this dude on eHarmony. Judge if you must, but I live in Twin Falls, Idaho. Where 90% of the men are married and/or taken and the other 10% are uninterested in me. Now, generally I don't feel the need to find me a man, but one lonely night in June I kind of spent too much money on an eHarmony subscription. 

I've talked to guys off and on after that point. I mean I'd paid for that shit might as well use it! Every so often I'd chat with dudes, but no one really seemed worth my time. 

Anyways, so this fella in Montana caught my eye one day shortly before Thanksgiving and then he wanted to talk to me. Fancy that! So, we started the whole eHarmony process. Which gives some good insight and is kinda dumb all at the same time. Then we started e-mailing. Then we exchanged numbers... Well since then we've talked on the phone for 1-3 hours most of the days in the week. We've done a lot of FaceTime. I've creeped the shit out of him to make sure he's who he says he is. From everything I can tell he is!

We were talking about him coming to visit and it was probably going to be a while because he owns his own business and he was taking a week at Christmas to go see his family. Well here's what I was thinking... I am not going to talk to a dude almost every day for 3-4 months just to finally meet him and think... Ummm... Yea.... No.

One morning at like 7 I got an e-mail from Expedia and I kind of thought... Cease the Carp! I found this really awesome ticket for super cheap! So I bought it! ....... Then I realized it was only a one-way ticket. Ha! Then I bought another super cheap ticket for the way back! Which actually added up to be a normal priced ticket! Dammit. But that's besides the point. Tickets bought. I'm going! And, yes I did talk to him during this process and we decided together it was a good game plan

Then I had to tell my mom that I had bought a ticket to visit this guy... because I needed a dog sitter! Because I am good at this kind of thing I decided to break the news to her at work via e-mail. This limits negative reactions and allows her time to process. Long story short she's agreed to watch my dogs. She said I'm an adult and trusts my judgement. She does check in every couple days to see if I'm nervous yet, though. She also called me today and finally broke down to creep him herself. I've also been required to give her his home address, mailing address, cell phone, and work phone.

The thing is that I'm not that nervous. I'm nervous that he won't like me. I'm nervous that I won't pack the right things. I'm nervous that I'll get there and we won't like each other as much as we think. I'm nervous that he won't like me as much as I like him (story of my life). I'm not nervous about going though. I'm really excited! I'm really excited to meet him. I think it'll be fun! We are even going to watch the 49ers win together!

Did I mention that I fly out Friday?

This is crazy... I'm not sure who in their right mind does this kind of thing... BUT he's a pretty good dude and I anticipate this going well! If nothing else I'm confident that we'll have good conversation! We haven't run out of things to talk about yet! :) 

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