Tuesday, January 7, 2014

I Messed Up

Yup... It's true... Blew the New Years Resolutions already!

The "No Candy" was blown on January 3rd. The Red Vines at work were staring me in the eye. They were eyeing me.

Today I blew the "Eat the best I can in every situation." Dammit! My co-worker (who is twice my age, looks damn good, and eats pretty much what she wants. bitch. jk love her!) brought in Moose Tracks. You know caramel corn with chocolate? She's super supportive and didn't force it on me... BUT I DIDN'T SAY NO! I had an orange and hard boiled eggs, but I hate Moose Tracks. They were Yuuuuuuummmmmy!!!

I know, I know... This is not a confessional. You don't need to know my all my struggles... But here's the thing and the point of this all.

I'm not even mad.

I'm not mad, because since I did those things I have gotten right back on the good eating train. I didn't let slip-ups derail me. If I've learned one thing in the last year of this fitness adventure it's that it is that slip-ups do not determine your success.

I had two options...

1. I could have done what I did, but not let it effect my goal and vision to eat healthy.

2. I could have said, "Well, I already messed up... what's another candy bar?"

For most of my life I would have chosen #2. Thus the need for the fitness adventure. Not this time. This time I chose option #1.

Because a month from now I'm not going to notice the couple of slip ups. A month from now I will notice the snow ball affect of the Moose Tracks, then the candy bar, then the soda, then I probably should get ice cream before I'm doing good again, and whats a burrito I mean they're not really that bad, and well I should probably also get fettuccine out of my system... and well you get the point. A month later the only place I am is 10lbs heavier, bloated, and feeling poopy. (Not that I've done that before or anything.)

SO, for all you resolutioners who have broken the resolution... Do yo thing! Get back on track! Because a year from now you'll be so super duper impressed with yourself! And you won't even remember those damn Moose Tracks!

And for all of you who are still on track.. Cheers to you! (bitches.)

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