Thursday, January 9, 2014

Money. Ugh.

Am I the only one who hates money? For serious. It's so dumb! Ain't nobody got time for money!

I'm trying really hard to manage my money better. I have student loans out the ying yang and I'm getting more. It is what it is, but I sure would like to get some things paid off and get on the right track!

Here's some things I'm doing...

1. I wrote down all the debt I have. Ouch. I'm going to work on paying off one thing at a time, and paying minimums on the rest. Once I pay off one thing I'll roll the money I was using to pay that off with onto the next bill. I'm hoping this will work! I got this tip from The Paleo Mama. She has some other good advice too! Her and her husband paid of $27,000 in 1 year! Now, I don't think I can do that, because it's more than half my income... But I think that I can do pretty good! (And yes, I have that much debt. Thank you student loans! Actually, the student loans don't bother me too much. I'm a social worker. If worse comes to worse I'll get them forgiven eventually, but it'd be cool to pay them back! I appreciate that I was able to go to school and not have to work full times because of them. I know some people don't agree with that, but I think that long run they have helped me more than they're hurting me, and I won't scare my kids away from them if they need them! *Off Soap Box*)

2. I'm documenting what I spend and where, and what I didn't totally need! That's the killer! In 1 week I could have already saved almost $50. 50 DOLLARS OF POINTLESS THINGS!!! In 1 week. 1 MOTHER EFFING WEEK! It's kind of frustrating. I think I just need to be a cheap ass, and get over myself. Sometimes I worry that people will judge me, but I think I need to stop caring. I would like to think by 30 I can be in a financially sound place. How awesome would that be? That gives me 5 years.

3. I'm doing is watching my bills very closely. I don't want to overspend. I'm getting rid of things I don't need, and focusing on what I do.

4. I'm trying not to make any unplanned purchases. By planning I mean that I will sit down, see where I'm at financially, and make a very specific list as to what I'm going to buy.

5. I'm not going to more expensive stores out of laziness. The fact is that I ALWAYS spend less at WalMart or Winco than I do at Fred Meyer or Swensens. Fred Meyer and Swensens are easier to get in and out of, but I always spend too much. I think Winco and WalMart are cheaper, and I want to get out of those places AS FAST AS POSSIBLE because of all the people. That helps me stick to my list! (And for all of you judging me for going to WalMart. Poop on a stick. Gotta save money and time, and if I need things besides groceries then WalMart is a one stop shop. Someday I'll have enough money that I can make Fred Meyer my one stop shop, but unfortunately that turns into a spend all my pay check stop because I LOVE EVERYTHING THEY HAVE!!!)

6. I'm going to start looking for things online. I've heard that you can save money on health foods in particular online. Things like chia seeds, almond flour, etc. I even heard toilet paper is cheaper! Haha, I seriously know people who order that offline! And their not hermits! It makes me giggle!

If I can get my money situation together by 30 I'm going to plan an awesome vacation and have enough money to take my friends with me! That would be cool!

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